Trust your inner wisdom

We have a Harvest Full Moon tonight on Friday the 13th, an event that only happens every 20 years. Full Moons always bring aspects of your consciousness to light. This Full Moon will illuminate your life purpose and can help you to breakthrough your fear, so that you can pursue that true purpose. It may seem easier to you to stay stuck in your present situation than to take a chance on yourself. However, that fear of the unknown has been holding you back. Tonight, during the light of this Full Moon, allow yourself to release your fears -fears of not being enough; of what could go wrong if you took a chance on yourself; or any other ego thought of why your idea of playing it safe and strategically smart are actually serving you. Then, let your dreams, let your heart and let your intuition be your guide. Your intuition will always lead you on a path toward joy. Today, let go of your "best" thinking and trust that your intuition, not your mind, because it is always on your side.


Just for today, I am willing to let go. I let go of all fear and doubt and life becomes simple and easy for me. I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that small still voice within me. All that I ever need to know at any given moment is revealed to me. My inner wisdom is always on my side. I am safe. It is only change. And everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.