Dark of the Moon
We are in the dark of the Moon-the final waning phase before a New Moon. The dark of the moon is a time of deep introspection and reflection. And, tomorrow we will have a new moon in Libra, the sign of justice and balance. Today, make time to look within yourself and reflect on how you can bring more balance into your life. Remind yourself to treat yourself with the same kindness that you show others. Remind yourself that you are indeed a beautiful being and allow your light to radiate from within. Remind yourself that you always have a choice on how you react and what you choose to believe about yourself. Remind yourself that you deserve all that is good in this life and allow yourself to accept.
Just for today, I look within and connect with the part of myself that knows how to heal. I create easily and effortlessly when I let my thoughts come from the loving space of my heart. I treat myself as if I am someone who I deeply love and tell myself frequently that I love you. I know that all the answers to all the questions that I may ever ask are within me. I look within to find my treasures. I am safe. It is only change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.