Super New Moon in Libra

Today we have a Super New Moon in Libra, the sign of balance, beauty and harmony. As this is a Super New Moon, we are bound to feel the Libra energy even stronger. And the Libra energy can shine a spotlight on your relationships and reveal to you where things may be out of balance, causing you to feel conflict and underlying anxiety, feelings that Libra does not like. If you have been giving too much of yourself away, if you have been acting for the sake of others rather than yourself, this New Moon may help you to return to yourself and to realize a new way. The New Moon calls for you and I to return to ourselves, to step out of shame and blame and to focus on giving back to ourselves, as a way to bring us back into balance. Only when you are “full of yourself” can give to others. Today begin to set your intentions to create harmony and balance into your life. Don’t feel like you need to have it all figured out all at once, as this New Moon calls for patience, reflection, and inner-work. Today, set your intentions to bring balance into your life and your relationships and to create the love and beauty in your world that you have been seeking for the past months-in truth in all the wrong places with all the wrong people. Today, be deliberate in your actions. Be direct with how you feel. Choose to be kind and create beauty and art as healing vehicles. Today, be the calm that you are seeking and create a kinder and more loving place to live in. World peace and harmony begins with you and only you. Begin today.

Just for today, divine peace and harmony continually surround me. When I create harmony, balance and peace in my mind, I will find it in my life. The inner creates the outer always. My life is joyously balanced between work and play. My mind and body are in perfect balance. I release the need to blame anyone. We are all doing the best we can with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that we have right now. I am safe, divinely protected, guided and loved. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.