New Moon in Pisces
We have a New Moon In Pisces, the mystical water sign. And, it beckons you and I to dive deep into the ocean of our souls.It is asking us to take a dive to the bottom of the ocean within us, NOT to analyze, NOT to pick apart, or to judge what is there, but to simply observe. To watch the memories, the pains and the dreams, which hang around in the background of lives waiting to be triggered by some current conflict or stressor. Today, begin to recognize that you are so much greater than what happens to you during your time here on Earth and that Life is happening for you, not to you. Today, allow yourself to open your heart to the idea that there are hidden talents inside of you, waiting to rise up into your consciousness. Honor the fact that you are talented, you are gifted, and that you do indeed bring so much value to this world and that you belong here in this time and space. Under the current New Moon energies, your potential is free to be further unlocked and you can surpass all those old obstacles that stop you from changing and creating the life you desire. Today, create some quiet time for yourself so that you can listen to the wisdom of your intuition, to your heart. Today allow yourself to let go of the past which is keeping you stuck and allow the New Moon energies to help you transcend and free yourself from the past and unlock your true potential. Change can be scary but, when you do what makes your soul sing, you are bound to succeed. Here's to beautiful new beginnings for all of us.
Just for today, I recognize that each day is a new opportunity. Yesterday is over and done. Today is the first day of my future. I recognize that I have the power to change my Life for the better and I am doing so now. Every morning I remind myself that I can make the choice to feel good about myself and my life. It is a new habit for me to cultivate. My life gets more fabulous every day. I look forward to what each new hour brings. I am safe. It is only change and in truth, everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.