Stop waiting for this all to be over to live

Humans are amazing creatures. We have so much potential to create, effect change, and love. And yet, that same unharnessed creative potential within us also means that we have the capacity for destruction, drama and deep despair. We can start wars over words, or follow our monkey minds into a frenzy of worry and distraction. We can keep on telling ourselves that when that one thing we want so badly happens, then everything will be better. We can keep telling ourselves that when this isolation is over that we can start to live again. We are so creative that we believe our best lie to ourselves—that there is time available for us to waste on not finding inner peace-on waiting until everything gets back to normal until you begin to live again. Today, is the day that you break the cycle and embrace life to the fullest-even if is not exactly how you envisioned or wanted it to be. Today, consciously choose to look for things to be grateful for. Choose to commit to doing one thing every day that makes you feel happy and that makes your heart sing. It can be as simple as taking a walk, writing in your journal, or doing some yoga. Choose to stop looking for fixes outside yourself. Everything you want and need, you already have and you already are. Choose to be still so your can hear the quiet voice within that already knows the value of gratitude, joy, and the potential that you hold within. Today choose to stop putting off inner peace. Today, in every situation choose love.


Just for today, I choose to feel good about myself each day. Every morning I remind myself that I can make the choice to feel good about myself. It is a new habit for me to cultivate. I recognize that I always have a choice between love and fear. Today I choose love. I am safe. It is only change and all is truly well in my world. And so it is