Toxic relationships

Removing toxicity from any area of your life is a process and the same goes for letting go of the relationships in your life that no longer serve any purpose. However, there is a certain amount of mourning that goes into cutting ties with someone. It’s almost as if the person has died, except you have to resist the urge to resurrect her/him because that option is still there. But, that is exactly what we all need to do-let go of all the toxic relationships in our lives. Today, be willing to let go. Ask yourself how does this person make me feel? Is the relationship mutually beneficial? Do I dread interactions with this person? If your answers to these questions are mostly negative or you realize you are trying to convince yourself that “it’s not that bad,” it is time to take a step back from the relationship and in some cases, it is time to let go. Instead of keeping someone around based on biological ties or perceived obligation, choose to put your well-being first and free yourself from the toxicity. Today, choose to surround yourself with love, support, and safety and embrace your emotional freedom. You are deserving of your own love and respect and once you integrate that fact into your life, letting go of those who do not respect you will become easier. And as you let go of those people, you clear up a lot of space for new people, who will respect and honor you ,to enter your life. Today, let go, grieve but know that you deserve so much more that you are accepting.


Just for today, I am willing to let go of all the relationships in my life that no longer serve any purpose. I now attract only loving relationships for they are a reflection of who and what I am. All my relationships are balanced. I give and receive lots of love. I forgive everyone for all past perceived wrongs. I release them with love. I am safe and I love myself enough to let go. Everything is working out for my highest good and so it is.