New Moon in Capricorn

We have a New Moon in Capricorn and its message to you is that you are strong enough to handle whatever comes your way. It's energy will help you overcome your current challenges. And, no matter what challenges you may be experience that just like the Capricorn Seagoat has the talent and skill to climb to the tallest mountain and swim to the deepest depths of the ocean, you too have the ability to overcome any hurdles that are sent your way. Today, amidst great social unrest and uncertainty, remember that you have made it through lots of difficult times in your life and you will make it through these hard times. Remember that despite the doom and gloom that there is always things for you and I to be grateful for. And, remember that however long the dark night is, the dawn will always come.

Just for today, I am a capable person. I can handle anything that comes my way. Whatever happens, I know that I can handle it. I have the power, the strength and the knowledge to handle whatever comes my way. I am safe, divinely guided, protected and loved. Out of this situation only good will come and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.