Flexible and flowing

Sometimes, what we think we want or are being called to do changes. Our intuitive feelings can guide us in a particular direction, but then we have to stay open in order to recognize when it’s time to redefine who we are and what we want. We need to remember that it’s okay to change direction if that’s where our intuition is pointing. And, when you let go of the outcomes about how things are “supposed to” be, you allow yourself to create a life filled with purpose and meaning. Not to say it will always seem easy or fun. Today, acknowledge that nothing ever goes the way you plan it to, or think you want it to, and nothing ever looks the way you think it should. However, if you can let go of outcomes, and accept things as they show up, you will gain a sense of freedom. You may also be surprised to see that things work out better than you could have planned. Letting go of old “stuff” makes room for new possibilities and when you hold on tightly, you declare that you are incapable of manifesting something equal or better.

Today, acknowledge that you can enjoy life more when you open up to joy in the journey. Today, laugh at the things that go “wrong.” Make a game out of it, and have fun at practicing just how flexible you can be. Today, surrender to the process, and open up to joy, peace, love, acceptance, and freedom. You don’t need to know exactly where you’re headed to trust things will work out. If you have done everything in your power to get things to go your way, and they still aren’t working out, maybe it’s time to surrender. Allow what is currently showing up to be what it is. As you accept your circumstances, your circumstances begin change and your entire life will change. Today just go with the flow and see where it takes you.

Just for today, I surrender to what is. I let go of what was and I have faith in what will be. I flow easily with new experiences, new challenges and new people that enter my life. I am willing to let go of the way life is supposed to be and flow effortlessly with the way life is. I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my everchanging life. I trust my intuition and make decisions with ease. Everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.