Eclipse portal
We are currently in a portal in between two eclipses (and Mercury Retrograde) and it is a time of letting go, wrapping up karmic patterns, and initiating new beginnings. Mercury Retrograde is a time of re-flection, re-visiting, re-doing, and re-imagining. So, there is a good chance that you are most likely confronting aspects of your life you've attempted to sweep under the rug or "thought" you were done with. But, the Universe won't allow you nor I to ignore those aspects and they are all coming to light now. And, that is what June will be all about. Your life review. In fact, if you are not examining almost everything in your life, then you might want to take some time to do so. This is your time to tune into what is really important to you, not your ego or what other people think you should be doing. Today, set your intentions to use the energies of this eclipse portal to slow down. to re-think, to re-pair, to re-view, to re-cognize, and to re-evaluate, where you are right now and where your soul wants you to go.
Just for today, I focus my attention on loving myself and trusting the Universe. Regardless of my setbacks, I always have a comeback in me. I am a capable person. I can handle anything that comes my way. I am safe, divinely guided and loved. And out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.