
“We cannot grow when we are in shame, and we cannot use shame to change ourselves or others.” And shame is what may be coming up for you right now during these retrogrades and eclipses! And, as humans, we are good at sheltering shame inside us. Odds are you no matter what has happened to you in your life, you have internalized feelings of unworthiness from shaming messages you’ve received from parents, teachers, and peers during your “formative” years. As we grow, we begin to internalize the shame and add to that foundation of shame, after we make bad choices or mistakes. We then begin to see our world through a filter of shame, keeping that shame hidden deep inside of us because we are fearful that others will see our shadows. As we build that secretive place of shame, we tend to disconnect, isolate, and hide within a cloak of shame. We isolate ourselves in our way of protecting ourselves. But, although we feel protected, we also are disconnected from the life around us. Today, it is time to uncover your shame, feel it, understand, accept it and then let it go. People from your past or perhaps your present during this retrograde time may come into your life for the purpose of triggering your shame. But, today, instead of isolating yourself, it is time to look at your shame and to see it for what it really is and show yourself some compassion, instead of judgement. Today, you can literally begin to rewire your shame filter with new experiences of self-empathy, and inner compassion. Today, understand that you did the best you could in any given situation and then, shower yourself with love and compassion. It’s scary bringing shame to light, but the minute you allow yourself to do so, you will step into a newfound freedom, you will learn who you are outside of the identities everyone else has given you; you will become fully yourself. You will able to see the worthy, deserving, more-than-enough person that you have always been. Let go of the shame today, it’s only holding you back and you are so deserving of so much more!

Just for today, I release the need to judge or criticize myself. I am all doing the best we can with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that I have right now. I forgive myself for all past perceived wrongs. I am now free to love myself exactly as I am. I release all shame from the past. I am willing to release it and live in this moment. Life supports me in every way and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.