Radical Self Love

Most of us can be way too hard on ourselves, when life is already hard enough. We spend our days taking an inventory of all the ways we’re falling short, tell ourselves we’re not good enough and even questioning our basic goodness, as if there’s something wrong with us at our core. And, when we respond harshly instead of pausing before reacting or make a mistake, we keep making over and over again, it’s easy to conclude that we are somehow fundamentally bad or damaged, or else we would more consistently do better. Then, waddling in this space of shame and self-judgment, we instinctively shut down and disconnect from others. After all, it’s hard to let people in when you’re afraid of what they’ll see and the possibility of being rejected once they see it. Today, no matter where you are, or how fragile you may feel, set your intentions to stop judging, avoiding, and resisting that which makes you afraid or ashamed and open to your true nature and the truth of your inherent goodness just because you exist. This recognition of your essential human goodness may be the most radical act of healing that you can take. It’s the realization that you don’t need to fix yourself, because you are not broken. You simply need to peel away the layers of fear and judgment and reconnect with who you are at your core-lovable and perfectly imperfect. Today, know that you do not need to run and hide from the world because you were human and made mistakes and missteps. Today, set your intentions to shower yourself with radical self love and compassion. Remember that loving yourself unconditionally will create miracles in your life. Just for today, I will not allow noise, chatter or setbacks to distract me. I will allow patience, purpose, compassion and grace to guide me. It does not matter what other people say or do. What does matter is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I am lovable. I am loving. I am loved and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is