You are finally not okay!

At some point in our lives, many of us were taught to believe that our real feelings weren’t acceptable. Therefore we walk around always being okay, ignoring our uncomfortable feelings. Until we can’t and that’s what the Universe is asking us to do today-to stop being okay, when we’re not. The problem with always being “okay” is that at some point you just can’t do it anymore. And unsurprisingly, when you awaken to that fact, your life may feel like it’s falling apart. However, that falling apart is the first step towards healing-towards being okay. For you see, we can’t fix what we won’t acknowledge, and it is impossible to make changes if we refuse to admit something is wrong. Today, be grateful for the chaos and discomfort that you may be feeling right now. Had life not presented you with the chaos it did, you would have continued to push your way along, shoving down any unwanted feelings, being okay and avoiding addressing any of your fear and pain. And, by avoiding addressing not being okay, you would also be avoiding the growth, connection, and happiness that comes from actually facing your fears and emotions and working through them with other people. Today, choose to instead of running away or being okay, choose to acknowledge when life isn’t good. Because acknowledging that and understanding what uncomfortable feelings have to teach you, is the only way to actually make anything better. Today, choose to begin to be okay, by first not being so. Just for today, I choose to know the truth and truth sets me free. Divine wisdom, divine harmony and divine love reign supreme within me and all around me. We are all centered in truth and live in peace. Everything is always working out for our highest good. And so it is.