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Through great pain comes great wisdom and learning.

We are coming to the end of Mercury retrograde and in all likelihood, it has shown you how you have been limiting yourself; not speaking your truth; and how you have been undervaluing yourself. However, once we are given the lessons and shown where and how we need to change, we must now integrate those lessons into our lives so, we can break free of those patterns, which keep us stuck. In truth, by not learning what we needed to learn years ago, we have faced  the same situations over and over and we will continue to have the same experiences until we get the lesson, and start applying it. Today, is that day that you begin to integrate the lessons that you need to learn so that you can move forward. It is time to act on your knowledge and overcome your internal resistance so that you can make lasting positive change. Today, become aware of when you are being given the opportunity to put your lessons into practice and then consciously choose to overcome your anxiety and fear and put your lessons into practice.  Whether it be speaking up for yourself or taking a different path because now you value yourself too much to keep wasting time on situations and people who no longer serve any purpose in your life except making your feel safe and familiar. But, changing a behavior is about consistency and takes conscious effort, even if it feels easier to continue doing what you’ve been doing for years. The more often you do something, the more instinctive it will become—and the better you’ll get at it. Today, set your intentions to change your self talk that keeps you stuck and struggling. We all tell ourselves stories about the things we can and can’t do, and sometimes they can be paralyzing. The first step is recognizing your limiting thoughts, beliefs, and stories. The next part is replacing them with empowering ones. We live in a world where we have more access than ever to information, but it isn’t knowledge that creates change. It also isn’t wisdom or will. Change entails intention and consistent effort. Consistency doesn’t mean perfection. It means trying over and over again, and learning something from every setback to create meaningful internal change. Today, set your intentions to integrate the lessons that all your struggling has taught you. When you create tiny shifts in your mind, you will start seeing major shifts in your choices—and in your life. Today, stop fighting, struggling and suffering and allow yourself to  learn your lessons and to love yourself more for your new knowledge.  

Just for today, I am willing to see where and how I need to change.  I am willing to let go of everything that no longer serves any purpose in my life. I cross all bridges with joy and ease. The old unfolds into wonderful new experiences.  My life gets better all the time and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.