
As humans we do a lot of lying throughout our days for a lot of reasons. And, lying isn’t just something that is done with words. We can lie with our actions. We can lie with our silence. We can lie with our complicity. We can lie by pretending to be who we aren’t. Therefore we have friends, but no one really knows us. We pretend like we have it all figured out because admitting that we are clueless would mean our world could come crashing down. So, we continue to lie to ourselves and to others to keep us safe and keep us “together”. However, the Universe wants us today to stop lying to ourselves and hiding behind masks and other mechanisms that we think make us more attractive and appealing to the rest of the world. For you see, when we choose to deny who we truly are, we are lying. Lying is a choice, one that deeply harms ourselves and oftentimes, those around us. And even though it is a choice, it’s one that is very easy to hide from. And, in our search for love we will do almost anything to attain our goal even if it means denying ourselves the truth. Today, acknowledge that you don’t have to use all your energy to put on the facade that you’ve got it all figured out. It’s okay to not have it all together. When you begin to open up and communicate with others about who you truly are, you begin the opportunity to discover what love is and that’s what we are all searching for. And, sharing ourselves without facades allows us to know love. Love makes us feel safe and wanted. It makes us feel connected and like we belong. And, the love of others begins with ourselves because you can’t love yourself if you don’t know who you are. You can’t love yourself if you’re using all your energy to put on an act for everyone else. And other people can’t love you when they don’t know who you are. So, today set your intentions to take off the mask. Let go of all the energy it takes to be someone else and use it to discover who it is you truly are. Love that person up and watch as the world loves you back. Just for today, I am willing to see and experience the truth and the truth sets me free. Divine wisdom, divine harmony and divine love reign supreme within me and all around me. I am safe when I speak my truth. I release me need to struggle and suffer and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.