Be re-born

This week we have the powerful energy of the Lionsgate portal, tomorrow on August 8. This portal of high frequencies is said to open our spirit and the spirit of Mother Earth allowing for a rebirth of sorts. And, re-birth can sound so majestic, so beautiful. It can signify a time of starting fresh, of beginning anew, of creating a blank page for the future. However, re-birth does not always occur as the delicate unfolding of blossoming petals. Sometimes, it entails the unnerving shriek of the phoenix consumed by the flames. Sometimes, it’s the pressure from the heat that turns coal into diamonds. Often, we must taste the darkness of death before we can rise from the ashes with a strength and courage we did not even know we had, until it was tested. And, that’s what you may have been experiencing in the past couple of months-the allowing of the parts of who you were that just don’t work any longer to just fall away and die, so you can be reborn. Today, set your intentions to stop fighting and struggling and focus your intentions instead on letting go. For you see when you cling to things, you struggle. When you grasp at what you desire, you suffocate it. When you identify with a laundry list of accomplishments, you will always fall short in the end. You are a human being, not a human doing and when focus on the externals and get caught up in the scramble to achieve, you can forget what is really important, what truly defines you. Today, acknowledge that in every moment, you have the chance to re-invent yourself -to be reborn by letting go. Today, choose to let go so you can be reborn again. Just for today, I surrender to what is. I let go of what was and I have faith in what will be. I lovingly forgive and release of the past. I am now free to create the life I desire. I am safe, divinely guided and protected. Out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.