Expect less....

“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” Most of us have experienced the pain of not having what we thought we would get out of something, someone or a situation. The truth is, life and people are unpredictable and situations change all the time. Sometimes we can hype ourselves up about something so much that we convince ourselves it will turn out exactly the way we wanted it to,. But. if it doesn’t, we are often left feeling irritated and disappointed and that’s probably because there was some level of expectation. Today, begin to recognize that things will not always turn out the way you want them to be, planned them to be or the way you expected them to be and that is life. Today, choose to be positive and hopeful in this present moment. You don't have to give up hope and you can still anticipate a good outcome, just be ready to be okay with "what is" and accept it. As the old saying goes: "Don't count your chickens before they've hatched." Your expectations are limiting your happiness and in truth your life. Today expect less and accept the bounty of goodness that Life gives you instead.


Just for today, I now release all expectations, knowing that Life will always take care of me. I let go of all expectations and flow lovingly with Life. I love myself and I know only good awaits me at every turn. Everything I do is a success and all is truly well in my world right now. And so it is.


Today, 8-8, is what is called the Lion's gate and it is said to be one of the most powerful, passionate and potent days of the year. The number 8 is associated with abundance, power, and higher realms of consciousness, making 8-8 a super potent time to charge and clear your energy for receiving the abundance of this Universe. Today, set your intentions to RECEIVE-to receive heart healing of past or current wounds; to receive intuitive awakenings; to receive a new sense of freedom and to receive peace and a sense of self love that you have never experienced before. Under this energy, today allow yourself to open up to love, forgiveness, compassion, abundance, and all the feel-good emotions that come along with it!Today, stay open and use this energy to explore your intuition, higher realms of consciousness, and the infinite wisdom that lives inside of you.


Just for today, abundance flows freely through me. I am loved. I let love in. I am kind to myself. I live in peace and gratitude. I am unlimited being, receiving from an unlimited source, in an unlimited way. I now see opportunities for abundance everywhere. I am blessed and prospered and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Think BIG

This just might be your lucky day because today the heavens are shining their light and luck upon us all ! We currently are within the energy portal called the Lion's Gate, which culminates tomorrow and is a time that is known to bring great awakenings and to lift our consciousness to new heights. Today, you and I are being asked to think big and to reach for the stars. Whatever your dreams are, you might want to make them less "realistic" and more in tune with your true heart's desires. Today, get clear about what you really want rather than what your mind thinks is possible. Your soul has grander plans for you than you can ever imagine. So, today begin dreaming of a bigger and more delightful future. Today, think big...you are meant to share your gifts in a much bigger way. So start today.


Just for today, I think BIG and then allow myself to accept even more. I act as if I already have what I want. It is an excellent way to attract happiness into my life. I am open and receptive to all the good of the Universe and Life supports me in every possible way. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Self compassion

No matter how hard we try to avoid emotional pain, it follows us everywhere. Difficult emotions, like shame, anger, loneliness, fear, despair, confusion, are a natural part of our human experience. It’s just not possible to avoid feeling bad-no matter how many affirmations you say. However, you can learn how to deal with those challenging emotions in a new, healthier way, by practicing acceptance of your emotions, embracing them fully as they are, moment to moment. Today, begin to create space in your life for all of your experiences, the ups and the downs. Today, instead of blaming, criticizing, and trying to fix yourself when things go wrong or you feel bad,today begin with self-compassion. It’s important to remember that embracing your strengths and well-being does not mean ignoring your difficulties or your perceived short comings. Today, begin to accept that not being okay all the time is perfectly okay.


Just for today, I listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends and are all a part of me. Self compassion nurtures and sustains me constantly. I am safe when I express my feelings. Out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Your thinking is creating your reality

"Life is very simple. What you give out, you get back and everything thought you think is creating your future." Today, let go of all fear and doubt and you will find that Life will become simple and easy for you. Today choose to think positive thoughts, choose to see the positive things in your life, choose to love, no matter what!

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Just for today, Life brings me only good experiences. I am open to the new and changing. I do not fix my problems. I fix my thinking and my problems fix themselves. I am peacefully allowing my life to unfold and everything is working out for my highest good. I am safe and so it is.

Allow yourself to receive

Last month, we were all shown people, places, things and beliefs that just don't serve any purpose in our lives any longer and that we would benefit from letting them go. However, letting go is a process and it can be challenging and exhausting. Today, instead of focusing on letting go, allow yourself let in. Let in love, let in compassion, let in forgiveness, as much as for yourself as for others, let in gratitude and let in joy. When you let in, you are letting go. For you see the good stuff that you let in boots the bad stuff out of the way. Love expands and makes room for more love and abundance while conquering fear. Joy overcomes pain. Therefore, the hard work of letting go becomes easier.At the very least, it’s a yin yang balanced equation. Today allow yourself to receive, to let in as much as you have been pushing yourself to let go of. You are deserving of your own love, compassion and forgiveness, Today, love and accept yourself as you are so that you are open to receiving love. Today, allow yourself to receive and let in.


Just for today, I am a magnet for good. I am open and receptive to all the good that Life has to offer me. I believe I am worthy of all that is good in Life. My heart is open to receive. I now receive my good from expected and unexpected sources. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Express yourself

After last month's retrogrades and eclipses, most of us have a bunch of new feelings, new ideas, and new emotions that we haven't processed, dealt with or expressed. Today would be an excellent day to express yourself, your feelings and allow yourself to analyze and integrate all your feelings so you can move forward with greater ease. Today, live your feelings, acknowledge them, give them some time to breathe in your life, and then move on from them. Express your sadness, happiness, anxiety, and fears through positive, constructive outlets. And, never, ever mistake emotions or feelings for weakness. Today make time whether it’s through writing, singing, dancing, laughing, knitting, journaling, or practicing yoga, find a way to share your emotions out into the world as positive energy. Remember, "never apologize for showing feelings. When you do so, you apologize for your truth." Today express your feelings!


Just for today, I know that I am safe when I express my feelings. I can remain serene under all circumstances. I am a clear thinker and I express myself with ease. I express the joy of living and allow myself to enjoy every moment of every day. I express joy and Life returns the favor. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

It's Leo season-rekindle your passions and reclaim your power

The sun is shining in the sign of Leo and it will be there for three more weeks. So, since Leo governs the heart, this month is designed to help you live fully from your heart; to live passionately; to begin to put yourself first and to live joyfully from your heart and by doing so, you will make the world a more beautiful place. Today, recognize that YOU are the most important person in your life and that taking care of yourself is not selfish. This month it is important that you redefine what you think is selfish and make your happiness your number one priority. If any area in your life isn’t working the way you want it to, that energy is stuck. This month the best way to get your energy moving is to play and create. Recreation is necessary for co-creation. Leo can teach you to have fun, purely for the joy of being alive and that you don’t need to always be productive to have your place in the world.So, today, begin to allow Leo to teach you to have more fun, to open your heart to new love, passion and creative desires-you so deserve it.


Just for today, I create easily and effortlessly when I allow my thoughts to come from loving space of my own heart. I am worthy of the very best in life and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it. I choose to feel good about myself. I am worthy of my own love. My life gets more fabulous every day and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


When we are impatient, it is because we do not want to take the time to learn the lesson at hand. We want it done now. Or, as I once heard: "Instant gratification is not quick enough." Today, let patience be your friend. There is always something to learn, something to know. Today, recognize that patience is being at peace with the process of life, knowing that everything happens in the perfect time/space sequence. If you are not having completion now, then there is something more for you to know. Being impatient does not speed up the process; it only wastes time and causes you to suffer. So today when you feel like things are not happening fast enough for you - breathe deeply, go within, and ask, "What do I need to know?" Then patiently wait to receive the help that is always all around you. Life, in truth, is a process not a light switch that you turn off and turn on. Today, be at peace with that process, be patient because everything is working out for your highest good, always.


Just for today, I recognize that patience is being at peace with the process of life. I create my own security by trusting the process of Life. I have plenty of time to do what I need to do. Time expands for me. Life supports me in every possible way and everything I need comes to me at the perfect moment. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

New Moon intentions to move forward

Tonight at 1111 we have a Black New Moon in Leo and shortly after Mercury goes direct. This New Moon will ignite some radical changes in all of our lives. The new moon is always an important time to set your intentions for the month, to start anew with fresh goals in mind and for clearing the slate so you can start a new chapter in your life.Today, is also a celebration of the end of Mercury Retrograde! The intense pressure you have been feeling this past month will be lifted and the rest of summer will be more peaceful and enjoyable for you. So take some time and celebrate on this New Moon. Plant your New Moon intentions and know that they will come to pass! Set your intentions to follow your true passions and to listen to more closely to your intuition. It is time to follow your passion and your true purpose so be sure to let go any old stuff, old beliefs and relationships that are stopping you from moving forward. It is time to create, play, manifest and to move forward.Today, quiet your mind, listen to your intuition and follow your heart and your feelings. It's time to get real, be real and be passionate about your life. Begin today.


Just for today, I have the self esteem, power and confidence to move forward with ease. I give myself the green light to move forward and to joyfully embrace the new. I do something different. I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and experience life in a whole new way. I release past anger and hurts and fill myself with serenity and peaceful thoughts. I am an unlimited being receiving from an unlimited source in an unlimited way and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

You are good enough!

You are good enough right now! All of our feelings of inadequacy start with negative thoughts that we have about ourselves. However, those thoughts have no power over us unless we act upon them. Thoughts are only words strung together. They have no meaning whatsoever. Only we give meaning to them, and we do so by focusing on the negative messages over and over again in our minds, until they become our truth. Today, let go of those old negative messages-they are only words, afterall. Today, accept that you are always perfect, always beautiful, and ever-changing. Accept that you are doing the best you can with the understanding, knowledge and awareness that you have. And, as you grow and change more and more, your “best” will only get better and better. Today, in this moment, in every moment, accept that you are good enough!


Just for today, as I move through the layers of other people's opinions and beliefs, I see within myself a magnificent being-wise and beautiful. I am neither to little nor too much and I do not have to prove myself to anyone. I no longer believe in old limitations and lack. I now see myself as the Universe sees me perfect, whole and complete. I now live with this understanding that I am always in the right place, doing the right thing at the right time. I love myself exactly the way I am. I am good enough and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

You are not alone!

No matter what you are going through, there is someone who has had the same human experience that you're going through and who has come out the other side. Often we feel like we are the first and maybe the only one to walk through our own individual "hell"-and that we are doing it all alone. We think that no one else could ever understand or has ever gone through what we are! Today is the day to recognize that we are all connected that you are never alone. In reality, you are interconnected to everyone else on this planet. Although we are unique, we are also very much the same-we all want to be loved and to feel safe. Moreover, we were all created by the same power and it is that power that guides and protects each and every one of us, if you are willing to listen. Today, let go of your idea that you roam this planet alone and become aware that we all experience the same shifts at the same time. It may manifest differently for all of us, yet the Universal energy is always effecting us as a collective. Today recognize and acknowledge that you are a part of that collective and find like-minded, like-hearted souls to remind you just how much support you have on your journey. YOU are not alone!


Just for today, every person, place and thing on this earth is interconnected by love. I am at home in the Universe. I trust the power that created me to protect me, guide me and love me at all times and under all circumstances. I am at peace and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Life is happening for you, not to you!

We all experience pain and nothing can change the pain that you have experienced in the past. And, undoubtedly there are things that happen in life that are tragic and unfair and there are people that come into your life that hurt you and that you may see them as awful. Today, instead of holding onto the pain, begin to see and recognize that in truth, everything you experience is there to serve you and to help you tap into the person you truly are. They are there to help you become even greater. And they are there to help you become who you were meant to be. Today, imagine – if life wasn’t happening to you, but for you? That even the most painful periods of your life happened so you could become who you are meant to be. Today, know that every obstacle, every challenge and every perceived setback that comes up is happening for you, not to you.


Just for today, every experience I have is a success and an opportunity for growth. I know that every experience I have is perfect for my self growth. I am grateful for every experience that I have every had for it has shaped me into the person I am today and that is exactly who I am supposed to be right now. Experiences come and go however the love I have for myself is constant. Everything is working out for my highest good . And so it is.