Self care

We have all been going through a lot of changes and karmic cleansing during the last couple of weeks, which may be making you feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable in your own skin. During this time of unrest, self care becomes more important than ever. Today, recognize that self care is not selfish. In fact it is the opposite of being selfish, as it strengthens you and enables you to support your loved ones and all those around you better. Recognize that you are worthy of your own self care and that in reality, you teach people how to treat you by your own actions and attitude toward yourself. By putting signs out there that you are a rescuer and will sacrifice yourself to help others, you attract the sort of people who want to be rescued and for whom it has to be all about them—not a balanced relationship.Self-care is essential for us all, but looks different for every person. Today, make time to listen to your inner voice to find out what you need to feel more content and comfortable in your own skin and then commit to it. Today, remember, be there for others, but never leave yourself behind.


Just for today, I create a stress free world for myself. I recognize that taking care of myself is a joyful experience and that I am worth the time spent on my healing. I nourish myself by saying no when I mean no and yes when I mean yes. I know what I need and I do not have to apologize for it. I am worthy of my own love and respect and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Judgement and Criticism

It’s so easy for us as human beings to judge those people who do, or say things in ways that we disapprove of. So much so, that we become angry or upset with them, often applying labels as we recount those experiences. Those very labels that we apply to others are just one more reason that we tell ourselves that we cannot forgive that person and one more reason why we remain mired in struggle and suffering. Today, stop judging and criticizing yourself and everyone around you-either in small or big ways. Judging others is merely a reflection of the ways in which we judge ourselves. Today begin to learn to stop taking other people’s behavior and choices so personally, and understand that they, just like you and I, are only responding to life based on coping mechanisms that have been built as a result of life experiences. Becoming aware of your own ways of coping, and being gentle with yourself is the beginning of learning how to forgive, it is the beginning of learning how to be free of the past, and free to live in the present moment. Once you learn to love yourself just as the Universe loves you despite your flaws– forgiveness, compassion, and empathy will soon follow with a lot less effort. You and I are perfect exactly as we are, today allow others to be perfect just the way they are and stop criticizing and judging them-and yourself!


Just for today, I am willing to release all patterns of criticism. I no longer judge or criticize myself or others. As I release all criticism, judgemental people leave my life. I accept everyone as the are, including myself. I am good enough and I know everyone is living the best way they know how. I am safe and I love and approve of myself exactly as I am. And so it is.


Slow down and stop rushing

Life has become faster and faster, almost to the point that we have come to expect everything instantaneously and always feel the need to rush. As we check our phones, social media feeds or click another button to make something else happen, it is sometimes hard to remember that some things just take time! This can apply to relationships, business, and, in my experience, it especially applies to spiritual awakening, personal growth and change! Moreover, rushing your growth can result in you endlessly taking one step forward and two steps back because you want the prize without going through the process. Most importantly, what you are rushing to do or become, will most likely just happen anyway—if you get out of the way and allow it. Today, make a conscious decision to slow down! In reality, there is no reason for all your rushing. What is your hurry? Today, realize that the timing of your growth or awareness is perfect and that you do not need to push so hard. Today, begin to fully internalize that the journey is just as important as the destination and by rushing through that journey you miss the beauty and the goodness that is always all around you. And when you do slow down, Life will become easier and far more fulfilling. Today, allow yourself to slow down and let things happen instead of pushing yourself to make things happen. Wherever you are, this is life—it’s happening right now. Today don't rush through it, experience it, live it-love it!


Just for today, there is time and space for everything I want to do. I relax and know that whatever I need to know is revealed to me at the perfect time in the perfect way. I slow down and flow easily with new experiences, challenges and people who enter my life. I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my ever changing Life and all is truly well in my world, right now. And so it is.

The need to be right

“Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?” We all have opinions on who was right and who was wrong according to our own perceptions, and we can all find ways to justify our feelings. Sometimes, you may even want to punish others for what they did to you; however, you are the one running the story over and over in your own mind, repeating the injustices that have been done to you. Today, recognize that your need to be right is limiting your life and will ultimately destroy you. Needing to be right leaves no room for compromise or compassion for another’s feelings, and will cause you more damage in the long run. Today, choose to step back before you react! Take a breath and ask yourself is it worth the time, energy and later the guilt and regret to be right. Then choose to consciously respond rather than react. After all, the truth is "you have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” Today, let go of your need to be right, righteous and thus, better than someone else. Today, release the past, be willing to forgive, even if you don’t know how. Be willing to not be right. Be willing to be at peace.


Just for today, it does not matter what other people say or do. What does matter is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I now choose to release all hurt and resentment. I forgive everyone for not being what I want them to be. I release the need to be right and I choose to be at peace instead. Out of this situation only good will come and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Lighten up

Here comes the Sun! Today the Sun moves into Leo, brightening and lightening up our days. It's been an emotional month but Leo promises to bring warmth, joy and enthusiasm to your life. Today, let Leo's rays help you to move forward joyfully into your future, rather than dwelling on what you could have done differently in the past and lamenting on how things that could or should have been. Today, just let Leo's exuberant energy give you the courage to be your own unique self. After all, that is what this life is all about. Today, enjoy the energies, enjoy being your true self.


Just for today, I am a unique, beautiful soul. I am not my parents nor their patterns. I am my own true self and I am free. My self esteem is high because I honor who I am. As I think happy thoughts, my life lightens and brightens. Life supports me in every possibly way and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

The Present Moment

Knowing the importance of living in the moment is one thing; taking action is another. It can be challenging to live in the now when the now is tough or the future is totally unknown. However, the present moment is the only one that is real and you may be missing it because you are still mired in the past or worried about the future. Today, set your intentions to stay present. Recognize that the present moment is the only one that matters because it is the only one that is real and that it will soon be gone. You and I are not promised tomorrow, but we are promised right now. Today, live in the moment. Take in as much of every moment as you can. Your happiness is your choice. Today, choose to stay present in every present moment.


Just for today, I release the past and live in the present moment. Yesterday is in the past. I turn my total attention to the present moment. I know that my point of power is in this present moment. I am a powerful person because I choose to live in this present moment. I choose to make the rest of my life, the best of my life-one moment at a day. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


Part of the real beauty of life is that it’s unpredictable. Nothing is permanent, everything changes; and of course, a lot of things can happen that will transform who you are and have an impact on your life. However, we are not programmed to accept the impermanence of everything in our lives and thus, we fight, struggle and resist the changes within us and around us. Today, recognize that acceptance is the key to transformation! Acceptance is not defeat. It is an acknowledgment of the truth. Once you accept where you are you will be able to move forward with greater clarity, courage, and strength. Acceptance offers you an opportunity to become unstuck, to experience well-being in the midst of your perceived struggles and suffering. Happiness is, after all, an inside job. It’s not about having perfect circumstances; it’s about making peace with what is and making the best of the hand that you were dealt. Today, find peace in acceptance. Accept that all things inevitably change, so embrace what is right in front of you and enjoy what is because it will change-accept it.


Just for today, I recognize that self approval and self acceptance in the now are the main keys to making positive changes in my life. I know that Love is acceptance-accepting people, places and things just as they are. Divine harmony and peace dwell within my and all around me. I feel compassion, tolerance, acceptance for all people, including myself. I am at peace and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Stop comparing yourself with other people! Comparing yourself to others is a waste of time and energy and is a losing proposition. When you compare, you experience lack, envy; resistance to who you are, where you are and what you have. Comparing yourself with others either makes you feel superior or inferior, never acceptable of who you are. Today, instead of comparing yourself and your life with anyone else's, accept that there has never been another person like you since time began, so there is nothing and no one to compare and compete with. Today, stop looking outside yourself to gain your value. Today, just love and accept yourself exactly as you are. Accept and celebrate your uniqueness!


Just for today, I accept my uniqueness. There is no competition and no comparison for we are all different and are meant to be that way. I am special and wonderful. I am beautiful and everyone loves me. I love myself exactly as I am and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Look for the good

Have you ever noticed how as human beings, we tend to go negative? That our eyes look for what's wrong. And although it’s not bad to see the negative because it can help us from falling into pits by looking out for potholes, seeing only the negative results in a kind of tunnel vision, which limits our lives and our experiences. Today, begin a new habit of looking for the good. Stop looking for what's not working and look for something that is working, something sweet, something lovely, something that opens your heart up. Look for the good in people, look for the good in the mirror, look for the good in Life and that is exactly what you will find.


Just for today, I look at all the positive things in my life and I am grateful for them all. I see the world through eyes of love and acceptance. I choose the see the good in myself and everyone around me. My good comes from everywhere and everyone. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Let go!!

It is a time of integrating, processing and reflection. This eclipse season has shown us that we all need to release someone or something that just doesn't serve any purpose in your life now. Perhaps it is a habit or maybe it is just time to let go of what you think your life SHOULD be and accept what is. It may even be a good day to let go of that list in your head you never complete and just go with the flow. And while you are at it, just say goodbye to the idea and your search for perfection. Today, take time to go within to see, feel and then to actively let go of everything that serves no purpose in your life. Then allow yourself to enjoy just being YOU.


Just for today, I am willing to let go.I give myself permission to let go. I release all things that no longer benefit me-objects, ideas, habits and relationships. I let go of the need to be perfect and recognize that I am living the best way I know how. I let go of all fear and doubt and Life becomes simple and easy. Everything is working for my highest good. And so it is.

Love yourself

Louise Hay famously said "that there is only one thing that heals every problem, and that is: truly loving yourself." Furthermore, she said that when people start to love themselves more each day, it’s amazing how their lives get better. They feel better. They get the jobs they want. They have the money they need. Their relationships either improve, or the negative ones dissolve and new ones begin. However, how many of us were taught or shown by example how to really love ourselves? And that is the rub! Today, begin a new loving relationship with yourself, no matter what stories that you created to justify beating yourself up or drowning yourself in self criticism, and sometimes self-loathing. Today, begin by being gentle and kind with yourself.Be patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as you would someone you really love. And begin to be kind to your mind. Remember, self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts. Instead, gently change your thoughts. Today, love yourself! Don't wait until you get well, or lose the weight, or get the new job, or find the new relationship. Begin now—and do the best you can. Loving yourself will create miracles in your life.


Just for today, I recognize that I have come to this planet to learn to love myself more and to share that love with others. I know that the greatest gift that I can give myself is unconditional love. I no longer wait to be perfect to love myself. I love myself exactly as I am right here and right now. I am worth loving. I am lovable. I am loving. I am loved. I am love. And Life supports me in every possible way. And so it is.

Caution-Karmic Cleansing Ahead

Tonight's Full Moon eclipse in Capricorn is one of the most psychically charged days of the year. Combine the psychic energy of the eclipse with the powerful energy of six planets that are now in retrograde and we are all being given opportunities to do some deep karmic cleansing-the unearthing of feelings that are buried deep within you. And although those energies can stir up a lot of drama, struggling and suffering because in truth YOU may be resisting change, they can also usher in a time of great healing. Today, use this super powerful energy to help you look within. Look within and then listen. Your Higher Self is guiding you to release anything in your life that doesn’t absolutely serve your HIGHER purpose. Today, set your intentions to be brutally honest with yourself. Be willing to face the truth and be authentic. You are learning that anything you desire in the outer world must be dealt with internally first. Use this time, to look within and to examine ways you are hiding from your power because of your fear...and then let them go. It is time you re-write your stories. Your life will never look the same if you are willing to change.


Just for today, I recognize in order to change my life on the outside, I must change inside. The moment I am willing to change it is amazing how the Universe begins to help me. It brings me what I need. I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to the small still voice within me. I trust my inner wisdom. It has all the answers to my questions. Everything is working out for my highest good and out of this situation only good will come. I am safe. And so it is.


Tomorrow is a full moon, lunar eclipse. And, it will continue to stir up and disrupt things in all of our lives. So, if you have been trying to keep things as they were or are, then you will need to let go of that effort! This is not the time for status quo or keeping things as they are because no matter how hard you try to keep things from changing, they will change with or without your consent! This eclipse/retrograde season is designed to bring up some much needed changes, so instead of focusing on keeping things in control, it's best to focus on how you can make some necessary changes that you've been avoiding. Today, focus your attention inside and begin to listen to your stories, the stories that you have created that keep you stuck and struggling. Begin to follow your intuition rather than your ego, which is struggling and fighting to keep things as they are because they feel safe or you don't know what comes next. Today, set your intentions to change!! Allow your faith in YOU to be greater than your fear!


Just for today, I am willing to see how and where I need to change. I am willing to release old negative beliefs. They are only thoughts that stand in my way. My new thoughts are positive and fulfilling. I have the strength to remain calm in the face of change. I recognize that everything I need to know is already within me, if I choose to listen. I am safe. It is only change and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.