Self talk
Talking to ourselves in a nurturing way can be a challenge if we rarely heard nurturing words during our childhoods. In fact, if you were criticized or neglected, you probably learned to criticize and neglect yourself . You in all probability learned to use negative words when speaking to or about yourself. You learned to put yourself down, became the first to criticize and chastise yourself and in the end became your own harshest critic. Today, since we all have lots of time to listen to ourselves, begin to monitor and to change your self talk-your inner dialogue. There are many ways to change your inner dialogue but they all begin with you becoming willing to stop doing and to begin to listen. Whether it is through journaling, meditation or just talking a solitary walk by yourself, today allow yourself to consciously listen to the way to speak to yourself. As Louise said-"you've been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked." Today try changing the way you talk to yourself, love and approve of yourself and see what happens.
Just for today, I monitor my self talk, making sure it is supportive and uplifting of myself and others. I do a mental housekeeping. making room for new positive thoughts. I am my own best friend. Other friends may come and go but I am always with myself. I support myself in feeling good. I am safe. It is only change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.