Self talk

Talking to ourselves in a nurturing way can be a challenge if we rarely heard nurturing words during our childhoods. In fact, if you were criticized or neglected, you probably learned to criticize and neglect yourself . You in all probability learned to use negative words when speaking to or about yourself. You learned to put yourself down, became the first to criticize and chastise yourself and in the end became your own harshest critic. Today, since we all have lots of time to listen to ourselves, begin to monitor and to change your self talk-your inner dialogue. There are many ways to change your inner dialogue but they all begin with you becoming willing to stop doing and to begin to listen. Whether it is through journaling, meditation or just talking a solitary walk by yourself, today allow yourself to consciously listen to the way to speak to yourself. As Louise said-"you've been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked." Today try changing the way you talk to yourself, love and approve of yourself and see what happens.


Just for today, I monitor my self talk, making sure it is supportive and uplifting of myself and others. I do a mental housekeeping. making room for new positive thoughts. I am my own best friend. Other friends may come and go but I am always with myself. I support myself in feeling good. I am safe. It is only change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Your mind is a terrible thing to waste!

We are all being given a wealth of new insights and perspectives from our current forced isolation. However, our current situations can also leave us feeling agitated and anxious. Today, you can overcome your anxiety by putting your mind to a task. Whether you read a book, journal, talk things through with a trusted friend or family or learn something new, keep your mind focused and to good use, instead of allowing your mind to run amok in the land of illusion.


Just for today, I will not stress over things I cannot control. When I create peace and harmony in my mind and heart, I will find it in my life. The inner creates the outer, always. I accept every unexpected obstacle in my life as an opportunity to grow. I choose to learn my lessons and move on. I feel safe and secure in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


Most of us live our lives halfway in our heads, bouncing around in an endless stream of thoughts, and halfway in the present moment, only partially awake to what we’re doing. And that state of being is what the Buddha often referred to as our “monkey mind.” Our monkey mind is constantly bouncing from one thought to another. We are doing one thing with our body but thinking about another with our mind. However, you have the power in any moment to calm and quiet your monkey mind and that would be mindfulness. Mindfulness brings the mind to rest and reunites body and mind as one force. Mindfulness is one of the only ways for you to connect with your intuition and to quiet the chaos in you and around you. Today is the day that you commit to practicing some form of mindfulness. Mindfulness doesn't have to take the form of meditation and in fact, is best practiced throughout your day. Today, focus on being mindful of your thoughts when you’re doing everyday tasks and it will be easier to remain mindful when things get tough. Mindfulness does take a lot of work, but the good news is that the longer you practice, the easier it gets, and the more joyful your life will become. Today, consciously take time to stop and quiet your mind. Remember, peace of mind is not the absence of conflict from life, but the ability to cope with it. Your ability to cope will become much easier when you practice mindfulness.


Just for today, I breathe deeply and fully. I take in the breath of Life and I am nourished. I take a deep breath and I allow myself to relax. I breathe, go within and ask what do I need to know. I am worth the time I spend healing myself. I surrender to what is. I let go of what was and I have faith in what will be. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


Forgiving yourself and others will release you from the prison of the past. Usually when we are not flowing freely with life in the present moment, it means that we are holding on to a past moment. It can be regret, sadness, hurt, fear, guilt, blame, anger, resentment, or sometimes even a desire for revenge. Each one of these states comes from a space of un-forgiveness, a refusal to let go and come in to the present moment. Today, is a day to forgive-to forgive yourself and others. For you see, by refusing to forgive and let go yu are keeping yourself stuck and mired in the past, blocking you from moving forward towards your future. Forgiveness, however, can be a tricky and confusing concept for many people because they confuse forgiveness and acceptance. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean that you condone their behavior! The act of forgiveness takes place in your own mind. It really has nothing to do with the other person. The reality of true forgiveness lies in setting yourself free from the pain. It’s simply an act of releasing yourself from the negative energy that you’ve chosen to hold on to. Forgiveness does not mean allowing the painful behaviors or actions of another to continue in your life. Sometimes forgiveness means letting go: You forgive that person and then you release them. Taking a stand and setting healthy boundaries is often the most loving thing you can do-not only for yourself, but for the other person as well. Today, allow yourself to forgive. No matter what your reasons are for having bitter, unforgiving feelings, you can go beyond them. You have a choice. You can choose to stay stuck and resentful, or you can do yourself a favor by willingly forgiving what happened in the past; letting it go; and then moving on to create a joyous, fulfilling life. Today, forgive and set yourself free.


Just for today, I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love. I recognize that the very person who is hardest to forgive is the one I need to forgive and let go of the most. I forgive myself for not being perfect. I am living the best way I know how. I now move beyond forgiveness to understanding. I have compassion for all. I am ready to be healed. I am willing to forgive and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

New Moon in Taurus

Tonight we celebrate a New Moon in Taurus. New Moons represent the start of a lunar cycle and a time where we can set intentions. And, despite Taurus being all about creature comforts and luxuriating, there is a deeper version of this sign which teaches us about what we value. For sure, our individual and collective value systems are changing during these challenging times. This New Moon is letting us know that we can’t go back to the past. We can only look forward, and this New Moon will be sending you inspiration to do just that. It will be asking you and I, what seeds do we now want to plant for our futures. Today, during this New Moon, take some time to get very clear on what you value, what you love and how you can make your life and your world more beautiful, more in align with your purpose.


Just for today, I am ready to see things differently. I have unlimited potential and only good lies ahead of me. I am a capable person. I can handle anything that comes my way. I am worthy of the best in life and I accept now. As I change my thoughts the world around me changes. I am safe. It is only change and I have everything I need to make those changes. Out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Simple Joys

Life is truly in the details. Ongoing small gestures can mean so much more than one grand display of love. Simple pleasures throughout the day can be far more gratifying that one amazing weekend or vacation. When you begin to connect the dots between all these little joys, your life will seem so much fuller and more satisfying. Today, consciously begin to notice the joy that you find throughout your day from small simple things. Whether it is the perfect cup of coffee or a funny text from a friend, today take note of each and every one of them. Today allow yourself to cherish the simple, small things that make up your life. Today, simply cherish being alive. "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things".


Just for today, I awaken appreciating everything in sight and I give thanks for them all. I am grateful for every experience that I have every had for they have shaped me into who I am today, which is exactly who I am supposed to be. I express the joy of living and allow myself to enjoy every moment of every day, totally. I am joy expressing and receiving. I am so grateful to be alive and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Blessings in Disguise

All the things that we experience happen for a reason. We may not see that reason at the moment, but there is a hidden purpose in any given situation and in each situation there is a blessing in disguise. Today, begin to look beyond your suffering, all the things that you think you are missing out on and all your disappointments, and begin to see the blessings in disguise. For instance, despite us practicing social distancing and being isolated, we are all learning new ways of expressing ourselves. We are intentionally reaching out to one another to connect, rather than using our old, superficial ways of connecting through social media or quick texts. And we are learning what was illusion, what serves no purpose in our lives any longer and what we need to let go of. And, on the flip side, we are also all being triggered in new and different ways that are helping you and me to heal so that we can love more deeply and live more purposefully and less from ego. There are so many blessings in our current situation but you must look beyond your current discomfort and ego thinking and begin to look for all the blessings in disguise.


Just for today, I am the star in my own movie. I am also the author and the director. I now create wonderful new roles for myself. I choose to let go of who I was so I can become who I am supposed to be. I release the need to struggle and suffer. I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

You are lovable because you exist.

Everything in your outer world is a mirror of what goes on in your mind. If you want to find love and acceptance, then that’s what you must first give to yourself. Many of us have long lists of reasons why we believe that we’re not lovable. This list usually stems from things that our parents or teachers have said to us, and when we hear them over and over again, we often start to believe them. And, many of us believe that we must earn love, in order to be loved. Today, consciously begin to choose to recognize that other people’s opinions have nothing to do with the reality of your being, and begin to accept responsibility for your own happiness, for your own life. Today, take your power back and begin to reshape your world through this process of self-love. Love is the most important healing power there is. When you love yourself, you begin the process of becoming one with the Universal Power. You will begin to create a joyous and fulfilled life. As Louise said, "loving yourself will create miracles in your life." Choose to do so today.


Just for today, I recognize that I am worth loving. I am lovable. I have always been lovable, I just never knew it. I do not need to earn other people's love. I am lovable because I exist. Others reflect the love that i have for myself. I am lovable. I am loving. I am loved. I am love. And so it is.

Stop shoulding on yourself

How many times a day do you use the word “should” in reference to yourself or other people? I know that I use it far too much and I hear it from others just as much. In fact, the word “should” has become a fixture in our everyday dialogue. We use it in conversation with others, as a way of motivating ourselves or keeping ourselves in check, and to express a myriad of other feelings, such as frustration, guilt, and regret. And, although we feel like we are making ourselves better in some way by telling ourselves we "should", telling ourselves that we should be doing more or being more doesn't actually help us do more or be more, and it just leaves us feeling like we just aren't enough. Today, become aware of how often you use the world should. Recognize that what you really are saying to yourself when you tell yourself that you "should" be doing something else or being something else, you are actually belittling and regretting who you are and the process of life. Today, when you notice yourself using the word should find words to replace it with other words, such as could, which gives you more of a "choice". Replacing “should” with more helpful dialogue will lead to a kinder relationship with yourself, and better relationships with the people around you too. Today, stop "shoulding" on yourself and others-know that you are here to make mistakes, to learn from those mistakes and to learn to love yourself more-should has no place in that kind of world.


Just for today, I have the strength to remain calm under all circumstances. I recognize that when I make a mistake it is all part of the learning process. I no longer use the word should. I now replace the word should with could, knowing that in every situation I always have a choice. I love and approve of myself no matter what they say, do or think. I am a blessed child of the Universe. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


Whatever you’re feeling, someone else has felt it. Whatever you’re going through, someone else has gone through it.However, most of us end up feelings alone in our pain and suffering. For you see, that most of us have been taught to hide those painful, fearful parts of ourselves so that we can appear strong and together. However, in doing we miss an important opportunity to connect with other human beings and that in truth is what we are all always seeking. In fact, it is through empathy for yourself can you begin to recognize that you are connected to everything and to everyone-we are indeed one. And, it is also just as important to have empathy for others. Whatever someone else is going through, or has gone through, someday you may too. Anything can happen to anyone at any time. Today, consciously choose to have empathy for yourself and for others, which will make you feel more connected to the world. Since you and I are connected, together we can heal, we can thrive and we all can discover new ways of being. “In separateness lies the world’s great misery, in compassion lies the world’s true strength.” Today, choose compassion, choose empathy, choose love.


Just for today, I am gentle, kind and comforting to myself as I uncover and release old negative messages within me. I am forgiving, gentle, loving and kind. I feel empathy towards myself and others. I know that everyone is doing the best they can with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that they have right now. I am safe and I am interconnected with everyone on this planet. We are one and all is truly well in our world. And so it is.

Retreat, reflect and regroup

We are now living in a time that can bring great personal growth through revelations, some of which can seem shocking and definitely are intended to awaken us all. So, today instead of finding ways to avoid changing and ways to go back to your "old" life, the way it used to be, make some time to retreat, reflect and allow yourself to regroup so you can connect with your inner knowing, with your intuition. You will not be able to make the changes in your life that you know you need to make, if you continue to stay attached to the people, places, things and beliefs that in truth you are finished with, even if it feels scary to let go. Once you allow yourself to take the time to tune in and trust your inner knowing, your spiritual connection will guide you through any outer obstacles. Today, take time to reflect and understand what your emotions are revealing. They have much to tell you but you have to listen from your heart not your monkey mind. It is time to change, no matter how much you want your old life back. Today, let go and allow the changes to happen. And remember, you are never alone and always are divinely protected, guided and loved.


Just for today, I trust the power that created me to protect me, guide me and love me at all times and under all circumstances. I look inward to find all the answers to the questions that I shall ever ask. I allow myself to be quiet and still and I am amazed at what I discover. Life is just waiting to share its secrets with me. I do not fix my problems. I fix my thinking and my problems fix themselves. My consciousness is filled with positive, healthy loving thoughts that reflect themselves in all my experiences. I am loved. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.


Discovering who we are is an ever-evolving process, always changing, expanding, and growing. In one moment we may think we have arrived, we think we can say that we know who we are now, and then in a flash that moment is gone and something new arises—a new insight, a new awareness, a new interest or endeavor. And, this is why we are truly a creative process-"a work in progress". Today, begin to see yourself and your life as a creative process and it is through that process that you can find the happiness and true freedom that you have been seeking. And even the real life restrictions of this current pandemic can bring you freedom as you learn to create new ways of being, out of necessity. Today, focus on creating and on the creative solutions to your current challenges. Remember, in reality you create everything and everyone in your life. Today, consciously claim your freedom to create the life you desire.


Just for today, I recognize that it is my mind that creates my experiences and that I am unlimited in my ability to create the good in my life. When I create peace and harmony in my mind and my heart, I will find it in my life. Every thought I think is creating my future. I am one with the very power that created me. I am safe. It is only change and all is truly well in my world.

Heavenly Healing

Every so often we have an astrological alignment so special and rare that even if you know nothing about astrology, this joining up will force you to stop and take notice. One of these special alignments happens today in the form of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction-or the squaring up of the two planets. And, Saturn and Pluto aligning can help you and I to shift to a place of unconditional love, where we will all be able to work hard, remain loyal to our cause, and to find our own definition of success. And although we can use this energy to elevate and move us forward, we most likely will also see some of the shadowy stuff playing out too. For you see, Life is full of duality, and while Saturn and Pluto aligning does have gifts, it can also bring a breakdown and a need to completely reorganize or rebuild things. Sound familiar? And, this alignment also is asking us all to to stand in our power and claim it back, and to stop handing our power over to someone we think is going to help or save us. While it is fine to lean on others for support, there is a real lesson under this alignment of learning to stand in your own power from a place of love.Today, use this energy to move you forward. Do not look back and do not look for anyone to rescue you or to make your life better in some way. Today, use this time for healing and deep insight. You might experience healing from releasing deep emotions or stuck energy. But, you must be willing to let go of all the people, places, things and beliefs that no longer serve any purpose in your life no matter what your ego tells you or how many excuses that it gives you why you need to remain attached. Today, in your solitude, consciously liberate yourself from everything that you know is keeping you stuck and claim your power to create a radical new way of being through love.


Just for today, I recognize that I have the power to heal myself and to change my life. I claim that power now and lovingly create my own reality. I forgive and release all of the past. I now choose to fill my life with joy. I love and approve of myself. Life brings me only wonderful experiences. I am now open to the new and challenging. I am safe and I already have everything I need inside of me to create the life I desire. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is