Stop waiting for this all to be over to live

Humans are amazing creatures. We have so much potential to create, effect change, and love. And yet, that same unharnessed creative potential within us also means that we have the capacity for destruction, drama and deep despair. We can start wars over words, or follow our monkey minds into a frenzy of worry and distraction. We can keep on telling ourselves that when that one thing we want so badly happens, then everything will be better. We can keep telling ourselves that when this isolation is over that we can start to live again. We are so creative that we believe our best lie to ourselves—that there is time available for us to waste on not finding inner peace-on waiting until everything gets back to normal until you begin to live again. Today, is the day that you break the cycle and embrace life to the fullest-even if is not exactly how you envisioned or wanted it to be. Today, consciously choose to look for things to be grateful for. Choose to commit to doing one thing every day that makes you feel happy and that makes your heart sing. It can be as simple as taking a walk, writing in your journal, or doing some yoga. Choose to stop looking for fixes outside yourself. Everything you want and need, you already have and you already are. Choose to be still so your can hear the quiet voice within that already knows the value of gratitude, joy, and the potential that you hold within. Today choose to stop putting off inner peace. Today, in every situation choose love.


Just for today, I choose to feel good about myself each day. Every morning I remind myself that I can make the choice to feel good about myself. It is a new habit for me to cultivate. I recognize that I always have a choice between love and fear. Today I choose love. I am safe. It is only change and all is truly well in my world. And so it is

A day of reflection and grace

This is a day of reflection and grace.It is a day to consciously stop and allow yourself to reflect and integrate the many lessons you are learning during this forced isolation. Reflection can help you to build upon your perceived successes and to let go of the self-doubt that holds you back from embracing your true dreams and living a fulfilling life. To be clear, reflection is not dwelling about the past. It is allowing yourself to look for the positives in your life and to seek the keys to help you become the person you want to be. Today, allow yourself to sit in peace and think about life, love, and all the wonderful things you have to be grateful for. Personal growth often comes out of silence just as often as it does from your experiences. So, sometimes sitting in silence and quieting your mind will benefit you more than doing, doing, doing. And, the ability to grow as an individual is tied to the understanding of the context of your life. Personal reflection is a powerful and liberating experience that can smooth out life’s bumps, boost your happiness, and help you become the person you want to be. Today, whether you are celebrating a holiday or simply celebrating being alive, allow yourself to reflect and be blessed with peace, love and the knowing that everything is always working out for your highest good.


Just for today, as I quiet my mind and focus on all the beautiful things in my life, I open myself up to my own healing powers. I take time during the day to meditate, daydream or to quiet my mind. I feel newly energized after this period of restfulness. I will not be distracted by noise, chatter or setbacks. I will allow patience, commitment, purpose and grace to guide me. I am safe, divinely guided and protected. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Happiness is always available to you

Somewhere along the line we are all taught that happiness is something to achieve, something that we can go out and find. Therefore, we look for a relationship, job, money or status that we believe will make us happy. However, this approach to happiness has one major flaw: we are basing our happiness on things that constantly change and are beyond our control. A lesson many of us are learning right now. And, by looking outside of ourselves for happiness, it actually becomes illusive and fleeting. Anything that might make us happy will not last, and this keeps us forever searching, always in pursuit. That approach has never worked and never will. Today, turn your attention inward and recognize that happiness comes from within you, and that you can consciously choose to feel happy by choosing thoughts that create lasting happiness and joy, no matter what is going on around you. Today, recognize that your happiness is truly an inside job and is always a choice you can make!


Just for today, I do a mental housecleaning, making room for new positive, uplifting thoughts. I recognize that peace and happiness begin inside of me. The more peaceful and happy I am inside, the more I have to share with others. I act as if I already have what I want. It is an excellent way of attracting happiness into my life. I am safe and all Life loves me. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Today is the future you created yesterday

Many of us are feeling anxious about the unknown that lies before us in our uncertain futures. But, we all must recognize that feeling fear and anxiety about our futures comes from neglecting our present and holding onto our past. So in order to enjoy your future, you must first learn to enjoy your present. Today recognize and consciously accept that you are exactly who you need to be and where you need to be in this moment. Wishing or trying to be someone else or somewhere else only creates resistance to the present.So, today allow yourself time to accept your past, feel all your feelings and practice mindfulness, instead of creating activities to distract you from what you are truly feeling. And, today know that by doing so, you are not only living presently, you are also creating the best possible future for yourself. And that is what being present is all about-creating the future that you are hoping for, dreaming for and what will bring you joy. Today, begin to create a beautiful future by living consciously in this present moment.


Just for today, I create a wonderful new day and a wonderful new future. I recognize that the thoughts I choose to think right now are creating my future. I willingly release all past pain and worries of the future. I now claim my power to live in this present moment and I lovingly create my own reality and everyone and everything in it. My future is bright and beautiful and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Pause, tune in and feel

The Full Moon that we experienced two nights ago has stirred up many emotions and today it is important to let them flow through you without judgment. With the world both slowing down and speeding up around you, you may be discovering what and who is really important to you. You and I are being confronted with emotions and energy, which would be so much easier to ignore. Today, instead of finding ways to distract yourself or numb yourself out from feeling all your feelings, pause, reflect and tune in. Today, tune into your heart, express what's inside and know that more than ever the Universe needs you to "get real" by feeling all your feelings, it is the path to healing and to you moving forward.


Just for today, I am listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends. I am gentle, kind and comforting to my inner child as I uncover and release old negative messages within me. I am gentle with myself, knowing that I am living the best way I know how with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that I have right now. I am safe when I express my emotions. I can remain serene in any situation. I am beautiful and everyone loves me. And so it is.

Toxic relationships

Removing toxicity from any area of your life is a process and the same goes for letting go of the relationships in your life that no longer serve any purpose. However, there is a certain amount of mourning that goes into cutting ties with someone. It’s almost as if the person has died, except you have to resist the urge to resurrect her/him because that option is still there. But, that is exactly what we all need to do-let go of all the toxic relationships in our lives. Today, be willing to let go. Ask yourself how does this person make me feel? Is the relationship mutually beneficial? Do I dread interactions with this person? If your answers to these questions are mostly negative or you realize you are trying to convince yourself that “it’s not that bad,” it is time to take a step back from the relationship and in some cases, it is time to let go. Instead of keeping someone around based on biological ties or perceived obligation, choose to put your well-being first and free yourself from the toxicity. Today, choose to surround yourself with love, support, and safety and embrace your emotional freedom. You are deserving of your own love and respect and once you integrate that fact into your life, letting go of those who do not respect you will become easier. And as you let go of those people, you clear up a lot of space for new people, who will respect and honor you ,to enter your life. Today, let go, grieve but know that you deserve so much more that you are accepting.


Just for today, I am willing to let go of all the relationships in my life that no longer serve any purpose. I now attract only loving relationships for they are a reflection of who and what I am. All my relationships are balanced. I give and receive lots of love. I forgive everyone for all past perceived wrongs. I release them with love. I am safe and I love myself enough to let go. Everything is working out for my highest good and so it is.

Super Full Moon in Libra-We are all in this together

Tonight we have a Super Full Moon in Libra and it's message is all about our relationships with one another and with ourselves. This Full Moon is asking us all to be there for others; to put ourselves in other’s shoes; to reach out to support one another and in turn, to watch how we are treated and how our relationships with each other are truly a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. Even though individually we may be feeling alone, isolated, and uncertain, we are all in this together and the only way through is to come together as One. Today by the light of this Full Moon allow yourself to release the pain, the guilt and the grief that you might be feeling right now. Allow yourself to feel all your feelings. As the world is reflecting back some darker aspect of humanity, it is also bringing out the best in people. Today, look for all the good that people are doing to help each other; recognize all the amazing things in your life and remember how awesome you are! Today reach inside yourself and allow your light to shine. This Full Moon is reminding us that we are all in this together and that we indeed are ONE.


Just for today, every person, place and thing on this planet is interconnected by love. I am at home in the Universe. I recognize that I have come to this planet to learn to love myself more and to share that love with others. I am willing to let go of all relationships that no longer serve any purpose in my life. I attract only healthy relationships into my life. I am always treated well. I am safe in all my relationships. I give and receive lots of love. I am divinely guided, protected and loved. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

One moment at a time

We are all living in a time of great uncertainty, filled with the fear of the unknown, of what our future will look like after we all emerge from our forced isolation. And, the natural tendency is to want to either look back and want to live in days gone by or to want to start to plan your future. However, you are missing the present moment which in reality is the only thing that is real. Today, recognize this is not a time to push, plan or reminisce about your past. But rather, to consciously live in the present and to take things one moment at a time. Living in the moment means doing or feeling or seeing or recognizing what’s right in front of you. The important thing is to let yourself experience everything-the good and the bad and once you experience it, then to allow it to pass. Many of us get caught up in our pasts because we did not allow ourselves to live those pasts when they were our present or we believe that they were our best times-of course they are now in this moment, just illusions. Today, live in the present and do not get so caught up in avoiding the danger or real fear in front of you, that you forget to just live. Today live each moment, let them pass, and enjoy the next-one moment at a time.


Just for today, yesterday is in the past. I now turn my total attention to this present moment. I practice forgiveness daily so I can move out of the past and live in this present moment. I love and accept myself exactly as I am and each moment that I am alive is perfect. I am grateful. I am safe and in this moment, all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

What are you dwelling on?

Whatever you dwell on, you are sure to get more of it. Today, consciously claim your power to focus on positive thoughts. You always have a choice, today, choice wisely! Just for today, I recognize that if I dwell on what I do not want, that is exactly what I will get more of. I now choose to dwell on positive thoughts. I choose to dwell in a world of love and acceptance. Divine wisdom, harmony and peace surround me and dwell within me. I feel compassion, tolerance and love for all people including myself. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.


444 Day!!

It is a 444 day and 444 is what is known as an angel number. When you see 444 or on a day where we have the vibration of 444, it it signifies that your angels and guides are by your side and that you are not alone as you prepare to take the next steps on your journey. It represents divine support and divine alignment. And, whether you believe in "angels" or not, right now it can bring us all some peace to know that we are always being guided and protected. Today on this 444 day, you and I are being called to align with our higher selves and to remember that there is always a greater plan unfolding. 444 is a calling to our souls to remember that the journey we are currently walking is part of our destiny. It reminds us that our souls knew they were going to face what we are currently going through and that within each and every one of us we have all what we need to navigate through this time. Today, surrender and let go of your need to control everything. In truth, your soul knows the way and your guides and angels are with you, that is the message of angel number 444. Today, stay open to the signs and messages you are receiving, trust your intuition, and know that you are not alone.


Just for today, I trust the power that created me to protect me and guide me at all times and under all circumstances. Peace surrounds me. I am always divinely protected. I have a special guardian angel. I am divinely protected and guided at all times. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

You have the power to heal yourself!

"You have the power to heal yourself and you need to know it. We think so often that we are helpless, but we are not. We always have the power of our minds. Today, claim and consciously use that power." Just for today, I see with love and hear with compassion. I am compassionate and understanding. I forgive and forget. Divine peace and harmony dwell within and all around me. I feel tolerance, compassion and love for all people, including myself. I am at peace and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


Strength through adversity

"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny." There is a strength that comes from overcoming adversity. A strength that comes from deep within you that can bring value to your life and to those around you. For you see, when you struggle through adversity and see it through to the other side, you find a new sense of renewal within yourself. It's more than "finding purpose in your pain." It's showing that the result of something hard can become beautiful. It's showing the result of pain, and how it can turn to something so good that you could never imagine it. Today, look for the lesson in everything because there is great growth hidden within the adversity that we are all facing, together. Today, recognize that hardship tests you so that you can become stronger and can face things head on; to not live on the surface and to dig that much deeper. Nothing worth having comes easy. Nothing worth reaching for will come without setbacks. Today, know that you will come out of this current challenge stronger, wiser and ready for the new chapter that awaits you and me.


Just for today, I will not allow noise, chatter or setbacks to distract me. I will allow patience, purpose, commitment to guide me. I see obstacles as opportunities to grow. I release the need to struggle and suffer. I now flow easily and effortlessly with new experiences, new challenges and new people that enter my life. I am now totally centered in the love and joy of being alive. Peace of mind is mine and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

People pleasing is an illusion and it helps no one, ever!

“No” is a word that many of us could stand to use a little more often. How many times have you said no only to go back on your decision? And how many times have you said no and then made excuses to justify your decision-excuses that were white lies to make saying no more palatable. Today, it is time to change all your old behaviors around people pleasing and to putting other people's needs and wants before our own. In fact during this time of social isolation, it will be those people, who routinely use your people pleaser tendencies on purpose, who will ask you for even more, and to risk your safety and well being for their own needs. They will be the ones who deliberately try to push your buttons, no matter how many times you say no-they have no boundaries, insatiable needs and will never stop using you. They will continue to overstep the boundaries that you set, until YOU stop them. Today, it is time to let go those people from your life and accept the lessons that they’ve taught you about who you are and what you want for your life. If it’s not possible to let someone go completely, if they are a family member for example, simply create some healthy distance and some healthy boundaries with them. Remember, this is a process and if you slip back into old behaviors don’t be too hard on yourself. But do keep going and making progress, your life and self-esteem will be much better as a result! Today, remember that if you are risking your physical or mental well being for another person, you are not helping but rather hurting yourself and the other person. Today learn your lessons, love yourself and finally give yourself permission to let go.


Just for today, I say no when I mean no and yes when I mean yes. I know what I want and I do not need to apologize for it. I respect my boundaries and I insist others respect them too. I am a master at setting healthy boundaries that save my time, energy, and well being. I am safe. I love myself enough to let go of all the people, places and things that no longer serve me. I am at peace in the midst of chaos and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.