Surrender and get out of your own way

According to Buddha, letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness. However, most of have been taught quite the opposite-that if we work harder, strive harder that we can find happiness. Today, recognize that you cannot strive your way to happiness. In fact, it’s often the path of surrendering, accepting, and being at peace with where you are that truly helps you tap into that sense of contentment and ease that you have been seeking. So if you find yourself over-achieving, working hard, without any rest, it may be time to explore the opposite path: surrender. When you surrender, you invite life to flow as it will and you roll with the current instead of fighting to swim upstream. When you surrender to the flow, you open yourself to possibilities instead of forcing opportunities that might not be right for you. When you surrender, you embrace and honor where you are, without worrying about where you need to be. To be clear, surrender is not about giving up, handing power over, or failing. It is not waving the white flag of defeat. Surrender is the pinnacle of evolved and enlightened behavior. And surrendering is not quitting. It’s honoring yourself where you are at this moment in time. It’s taking time out for yourself and reflecting on what’s important. So that once the time to strive comes back around (which it will!), you will be supported with the energy, the purpose, and the guidance you need to move forward. Today, allow yourself to surrender! When you stop trying to control everything around you, you will completely step out of our own way and will be ready to receive, to tap into the abundant possibilities and to manifest a life free from restraint and restrictions. Today, surrender, let go and just let life happen for you.


Just for today, I let go of the need to control everything and everyone in my life. I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I am worthy of the best in life and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it. I let go of all expectations. I now flow freely and lovingly with Life. I know that only good awaits me at every turn. I surrender to what is. I let go of what was. I have faith in what will be. I am safe and all is truly well in my world. And so it is

Speak what is in your heart

The Universal energies want us all to begin to get our hearts, minds and words in alignment and to learn better and more authentic ways of communicating-ways that bring more peace and harmony rather than division and separation. Today, make some time to ask yourself what have you been holding back from sharing either publicly or with your loved ones that needs to be expressed? Then, allow yourself to speak your truth clearly and directly. Now is the time and the whole Universe is supporting you in speaking your truth and aligning your mind, your heart and your words.


Just for today, I am a clear thinker. I express myself with ease. My heart is open I speak with loving words. I am safe when I express my feelings. I can remain serene under any circumstance. Divine wisdom, divine harmony and divine peace reign supreme within me and around me and around each and every person. We are all centered in truth and live in joy. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

New Moon in Gemini

Today we have a new moon in Gemini. The New Moon represents the start of new lunar cycle. It is a time to plant seeds, set intentions, and to think about what you wish to create. But it is also a time of turning inward. And, because this New Moon falls in Gemini, the sign of the twins, you may feel pulled in two directions. You may feel your heart wanting to go one way, and your mind wanting to go the other. Or, you may simply feel a sense of confusion, a sense of loss or even hopelessness. In order to navigate this energy, today allow yourself some quiet time to go within to the place of your own inner knowing. You have so much energy in the cosmos right now supporting you to dive deep and to trust the process that is unfolding around you.Today, rather than getting lost in indecision, confusion and suffering, you are being asked to wait and to trust that you will be guided to the right answers. And, the right answers are always there, and with patience you can break free of the fog and find your way to where you need to be. Today, set your intentions to trust your inner wisdom, and if you feel confused, retreat within-do not go searching outside yourself. Today give yourself permission to be patient and wait for the answers that you have been seeking. Today, know that everything you seek is already within and will be revealed to you at the perfect time in the perfect way.


Just for today, I recognize that everything I seek is already within me. I trust my inner wisdom. I am willing to listen to the small still voice inside me and when I do I am amazed at what I discover. Life is just waiting to share its secrets with me. All that I need to know is revealed to me. My intuition is always on my side. Peace surrounds me and I am always divinely guided, protected and loved. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is

A day of reflection

Today we wrap up another lunar cycle and before we set our intentions for the upcoming New Moon, it is time that we release what is no longer serving us. This includes beliefs, energies, habits, resentments and anger. Today, reflect on any values that are no longer in alignment with who you are right now. Be willing to let go so that you can make room for the new to enter your life.


Just for today I am willing to let go. I release all things that no longer serves any purpose in my life-habits, beliefs and relationships. I let go of all childhood fears. I am now an empowered human being. I let go of all expectations and I now flow freely and lovingly with life. I surrender to what is . I let go of what was. I have faith in what will be. Everything is working out for my highest good and out of this situation only good will come. I am safe. And so it is.

New Ways of Being

Today we enter Gemini Season. Gemini is represented by the twins. One twin is mortal and one is immortal, or not of this world. Together, the twins navigate life on earth and life in higher realms. And, it is their job to merge the wisdom of the earth and the wisdom of the heavens in order to give a full and complete understanding of life as a whole. During Gemini Season, we can all tune into this energy and learn how to obtain wisdom from higher realms and from life on earth. It can be quite a balancing act to keep your feet on the ground but your heart open to the heavens. However, those energies are intended to help you learn a whole new way of being, even if you might be feeling uncertain about your next steps. The energy of Gemini can help you to see things from new perspectives so you and I can radically overhaul our lives both individually and collectively. Today set your intentions to be willing to step out of your comfort zone and to be open to new points of view, new ways of being and new ways of living your life. Nothing will every look the same again in our world. Today, allow the energies of Gemini to help you let go of your old ways of being and begin anew.


Just for today, I do something different. I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and experience life in a whole new way. Each day I stretch my comfort a little further. I am willing to let go of all fear and doubt. And Life becomes simple and easy for me. I am safe. I am divinely guided, protected and loved. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Do not take things personally

One of "The Four Agreements," is "The actions of other people do not need to have any negative effect on you; or do not take things personally." However, during this time of intense energy and fear, it can be difficult to follow that agreement since people seem to be over reacting to everything, as if this is the end of the world; as if they have no control over their fear., behavior, words or deeds. But, YOU do! Today, set your intentions to not take anything personally no matter how outrageous and inconsiderate people's actions and/or words are. Today, you can choose to rise above the fear, the anxiety and recognize that you always have a choice on how you choose to react. Today recognize that when you take things personally, you make yourself a victim of anything that others say or do. Realize that it makes no sense to give people such power over you. And, when you decide to no longer take things personally, you will avoid a tremendous amount of suffering. Even if someone directly antagonizes you, there is no need to be bothered because that person is certainly struggling with his or her own problems. Moreover, those problems have nothing to do with you. You can choose to become involved with the trouble of someone else or you can rise above it, confidently and peacefully walking away. Today, recognize that the actions of others usually have nothing to do with you. It takes practice and patience to stop taking things personally.However, if you make the courageous decision to no longer emotionally react to the whims of others, your life will be completely transformed. Choose wisely today.


Just for today,I consciously choose to not take anything personally. I know that it does not matter what other people do or say. What does matter is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I choose to feel good about myself no matter what other people say, do or think. I no longer blame or criticize anyone including myself. We are all doing the best we can with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that we have right now. I am safe and I am divinely protected, guided and loved. All is truly well in my world.

Be gentle to yourself

Life is hard. Yet, many of us make it worse by being hard on ourselves. We waste precious time beating ourselves up, wallowing in guilt, or chastising ourselves for our perceived mistakes, making everything even harder than it needs to be. Today, set your intentions to be gentle with yourself, even if you don't know how to do that right now. Being gentle with yourself means giving yourself permission not to be the best that’s humanly possible, but rather to do the best you can right now. And at times, depending on where you are in life and the status of your mental health, your version of trying your best might be as simple as getting through the day. Being gentle with yourself every day means giving yourself credit for what you have already accomplished, not getting stuck in shoulds, coulds and giving yourself a path of hope for everything that is yet to come.Today, set your intention to take the time to reconnect with your inner being, replace your fears with trust, and learn to let go of the things you cannot control. Over time, you will experience peace when you learn to accept yourself as you are, complete with your flaws, and be the best you can for your own self. Today, be gentle with yourself because you are doing the best you know how with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that you have right now. Be gentle.


Just for today, I am gentle, kind and comforting to myself as I uncover and release old negative messages within myself. I am gentle with myself, knowing that I am doing the best I can with the knowledge and understanding that I have right now. I am forgiving, loving, gentle and kind and I know that Life loves me. I surrender to what is, I let go of what was and I have faith in what will be. Everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Relationships are a mirror of your self worth

Venus is in retrograde and she is teaching you and I about our self worth through the mirror of our relationships. And you may be finding that you are feeling frustrated with some of your old, superficial and shallow relationships. However, those relationships also may be showing you how much you have been neglecting yourself and your needs. When you neglect yourself, you deprive yourself of what you need: attention, support, encouragement, and love. It is natural for you then to look toward others to provide it for you. The problem is that others cannot do it for you. They cannot fill the void you create by depriving yourself of self-care. Today, begin to recognize that what you are seeking and finding in your relationships is truly a reflection of what you are seeking from yourself. Today, treat yourself as if you are someone you deeply love-without apologies. The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for all the other relationships you have in your life.The good thing is that you are in charge of that now. You have the power and you get to choose how you treat yourself. As you begin to love and honor yourself, the relationships you previously had may just melt away because you are learning your own worth and unfortunately they cannot never understand nor value it that is why they came into your life. . Loving yourself will create more reciprocal and satisfying relationships. Loving yourself will create miracles in your life.


Just for today, I treat myself as if I am someone I deeply love and tell myself frequently that I love you. I am my own best friend. Other friends may come and go but I am always here for and with myself. I support myself in feeling good. I attract only loving relationships into my life for they are a reflection of who and what I am. I am a blessed child of the Universe. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


We all struggle and suffer however some of us have actually become attached or even addicted to that struggling and suffering-no matter what is going on in our lives we seem to create struggle and suffer. Today, is the day that you recognize and become aware of that no matter what you are going through-suffering is always optional and that the only permanent solution to your struggles and suffering is to change your mind, which creates or perpetuates the struggles, your suffering. While your problems might not be of your own making, the endless suffering that comes as a result of them is and actually comes down to the way you use your mind. It may not be your fault, but it is your responsibility to work on the way you think if you want to be free; if you want to stop suffering. Your mind and attitude are ultimately the things that can keep you stuck or on the flip side, end your struggles. Today set your intentions to use them wisely, and you can overcome any problem, no matter how serious it seems. Having a supportive mind makes it much easier for you to see clearly, and to be happy and content, even in a life where challenges will always crop up. Today, recognize that you always have a choice-you always have a choice to not struggle and suffer! Choose wisely today.


Just for today, I willingly release any need for struggle or suffering. I deserve all that is good in life. I recognize that peace begins within me. The more peaceful I am inside the more peace I have to share with others. The inner creates the outer always. I now dwell on positive thoughts and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Inner wisdom

Even when our world is at a relative standstill, you can use this time to process and re-evaluate the goals and dreams that you had prior to the pandemic. With many of our planets in retrograde right now, you are being given the chance to review and re-evaluate everything in your life. Today, make some time just for yourself to be still and quiet. If you have not used this forced standstill to begin a meditative process then today would be a good day to do so. Whatever you believed that you previously wanted in your life is certainly being revisited now. And the only way to find direction and answers is to look inward and to listen to find all the answers to all the questions you have been seeking. Your ego, however, wants you to continue to suffer and struggle and it will prevent you from hearing your inner voice, the inner guidance that will guide you on the next steps of your journey. Your ego wants you to "think" your way through life. Today, stop thinking, stop talking and begin to listen to the inner guidance that is always available to you. You will be amazed at what you discover.


Just for today, I allow myself to be quiet and still and I am amazed at what I discover, Life is just waiting to share its secrets with me. I trust my inner wisdom. All that I ever need to know is revealed to me. My intuition is always on my side. I trust it to be there at all times. I am safe. I am divinely guided protected and loved. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Letting go isn't as easy as it sounds

"There will never be a time when life is simple. There will always be time to practice accepting that. And, every moment is a chance for you to let go and feel peaceful." You know that in theory, however most of us struggle to let go even if it is essential for our personal growth. It is not always easy to apply theory to practice because letting go can easily trigger fear, frustration and anger because when you leave something behind and don’t know what to replace it with; you leave space for the unknown and the unknown is scary. Change is always scary, especially when you don’t know what’s coming next. That’s why you might find yourself clinging to the unwanted because that’s what’s familiar and known to you. Today, it is time for you to find better ways to let go of everything that you know no longer serves any purpose in your life and yet you remain attached to it or them. Today, instead of trying harder to let go, accept fully where you are. Embrace it completely. Say yes to all worry, shame, and guilt. Confirm all the negative thoughts and feelings so that you can release yourself from their grip. Simply, give up the battle. Simply surrender. Then, invite in what you desire in to your life, rather than focusing and dwelling on what you do not want. Today, imagine, visualize, and fantasize what you’d love to have instead to come into your life. “Where focus grows, energy flows.” Today, focus on the wanted, not the unwanted. Focus on what you want for your future not what you do not want and letting go will become so much easier and you will become more peaceful, ready for new people, places, things and experiences to enter your life.


Just for today, I know if I dwell on what I do not want. That is exactly what I will get more of. I now affirm only the good in my life. I focus my attention on loving myself and trusting in the Universe. I am centered and focused and I feel more secure each day. I am safe and I am willing to let go of my need to struggle and suffer. Everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Venus Retrograde

Venus begins her re-trograde today and all matters of love, money and relationships will be up for re-evaluation. Retrograde planets always offer us the opportunity to see and feel our shadows so we can renew ourselves by reviewing our past. Venus is the Goddess of love, beauty, art, creativity, fashion, and money. It rules over the divine feminine and its energy encourages us to slow down and appreciate the finer things in life. During a Venus Retrograde, if there are old heart wounds or cracks in our relationships with others, with ourselves or money, they can rise to the surface so that they can be forgiven, cleared, and healed. Today, pay close attention to how people are treating you because your relationships are a mirror of your self worth. So if you are not receiving enough for all that you share with the world, whether it is what you get paid or how reciprocal your relationships are, it is time to ask for more. It is time for you to awaken to your own worth and then allow the world to give more, to give you what you are truly worthy of. It is time for you to forgive, allow your heart to heal and to begin to expect and accept more! You are deserving.


Just for today, I am open and receptive to wonderful new loving relationships. I am willing to forgive and let go of all relationships that no longer serve any purpose in my life. I now attract only loving relationships into my life for they are a mirror of who and what I am. I am safe in all my relationships. I give and receive lots of love. I am worthy of love. I am worthy of all that is good in Life and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Co-dependency no more

The definition of codependency is sacrificing one’s personal needs to try to meet the needs of others. And, someone who is codependent has an extreme focus outside themselves. Their thoughts and actions revolve around other people, such as spouses, relatives or co-workers and their relationships are unbalanced and unhealthy. A person with codependency often tries to save others from themselves. Any of this behavior sound familiar? Today, is the day that you wake up and begin to change yourself, your relationships and your need to fix everyone and everything around you. And it all begins with the relationship you have with yourself. The cycle of codependency can only be overcome by establishing and nurturing a loving relationship with yourself. Otherwise, you will continually find yourself in unhealthy, codependent relationships. Next recognize that no matter how strong or together you envision yourself, you can’t control or fix others, and it is not your job to do so. And you cannot make anyone's life better-it is not your job to do so. Next, you will need to begin to establish healthy boundaries-to stop saying yes when you mean no. In the end, we are responsible for ourselves and our own happiness. What we create in ourselves we can later give to others. In this world, loving yourself will not only make you stronger, but also the people around you. Today, let the grown up people in your life take care of themselves and you take care of you-you deserve it!


Just for today, I recognize that I cannot learn other people lessons for them. They must do their own work and they will do it when they are ready. I say no when I mean no and yes when I mean yes. I know what I want and I do not have to apologize for it. I am a master at setting boundaries in my life that protect my time, energy, creativity and well being. I am safe and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.