
Happy Mother's Day! Motherhood is difficult and virtually no one does it perfectly. Maybe your mother was flawless, but it's more likely she made mistakes or worse. However, it is now your turn, as a grown up to begin to change the way you look at your mother, to stop blaming her and to begin to create "another" mother. Begin by changing the word mother from a noun to a verb-"to mother". In doing so, you can begin to identify your mother as anyone who offers you maternal care. You can begin to feel mothered through the acceptance, nourishment and love of others and yourself, replacing the need to get those things from your "birth" mother. Today, begin to recognize that the perfect mother is available to you if you are willing to let go of expectations that will never be filled, and to see what is being offered to you here and now. Though all mothers are limited, the force of motherhood is not. It surrounds us every day, in all sorts of ways, some predictable and ordinary, some startling and extraordinary. Today, allow yourself to embrace it, I guarantee you'll find it waiting to embrace you. And that, to me, is the mother of all comforts.

Just for today, nourishing and mothering myself is a joyful experience and I am worth the time spent on my healing. I am gentle, kind and comforting to my inner child as I uncover and release old negative messages with me. I lovingly protect myself with thoughts of joy and peace. The past is forgiven and forgotten. I am free in this moment. I love myself unconditionally and the Universe supports me in every possible way. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Your feelings have something to tell you-listen!

Sometimes the last thing you want to do is feel your feelings because feeling them can hurt. Feelings can make you vulnerable and you may even mistakenly think that they make you weak. Today, however the Universe is encouraging you to stop sweeping your emotions under the rug and feel them, express them and allow yourself to learn from them. Allowing yourself to process your feelings, rather than letting them build up until they drain you or come out in odd places at odd times, will begin to transform your life. Today, recognize that every one of your feelings has a message behind it. Perhaps that message is simply to allow yourself to feel the emotion until it dissipates. Or maybe the feeling is guiding you toward some action. And, processing your feelings gives you access to your inner wisdom. Because you already have every answer you will ever need inside of you; you just need to learn how to access that information. They hold the answers about your relationships, your life direction, how to take care of your health, how to move toward what you want. Translating what your feelings are trying to tell you provides a direct conduit to your own higher wisdom. It may take time and effort to clear out what you were in the habit of stuffing down, but the more you lean into whatever is asking to be seen, the more your life will open and expand. The more you will align with your soul and your soul's purpose. Today allow yourself to feel your feelings and express your emotions, you will find that it can be very liberating.


Just for today, I listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends, not just the ones that I like. I am safe when I express my emotions. I can remain serene under all circumstances. I feel my heart open and I know that there is room enough in it for myself. I love and approve of myself exactly as I am and out of this situation only good will come. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.


Sometimes it feels like life is a constantly unraveling story. The only problem is, we want to jump straight to the end to see what happens. However, being impatient does not speed up the process. It only wastes your time and energy by creating extra anxiety and fear. And when we are impatient, we need to know it is because we do not want to take time to learn the lesson at hand. We want it done now. Or, as I once heard: "Instant gratification is not soon enough." Today, recognize that there is always something to learn, something to know and that knowing is a process that cannot be sped up or hurried because we become impatient. Today, recognize that patience is being at peace with the process of life, knowing and trusting that everything happens in the perfect time/space sequence. If you are not having completion now, then there is something more for you to know. When you choose to be patient, it will become easier to deal with both celebrations and setbacks. Knowing that sometimes only time can resolve a situation can make it easier for you to let go and be present. And it’s always easier to be peaceful when you’re living in the moment. Today, choose to be patient with yourself, with others and to be at peace with the process of life.


Just for today, I recognize that patience is being at peace with the process of Life. I relax and know that everything I need to know will be revealed to me in the perfect time, in the perfect way. I will not be distracted by noise, chatter or setbacks. I will allow patience, commitment, purpose and grace to guide me. I am safe and I trust that everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

SuperMoon in Scorpio-endings-beginnings

We have a Supermoon in Scorpio! Supermoons are closest to Earth, which intensifies their emotional impact and this one is especially supercharged since it is in the sensitive sign of Scorpio. Full Moons are a potent time to release/let go of all that no longer serves you. They can help clarify what is close to your heart since your emotions are brought to light. This Full Moon in Scorpio is guiding you and I to honor the beauty of endings. Just as the forest looks so beautiful with all its autumn colors, there is beauty to be found when things come to an end, even if we fight the ending. At the end, things always make sense. At the end, we are able to look back and see things with a new perspective. At the end, we are able to see how all the puzzle pieces we have been working with fit together. At the end, we feel a sense of calm, of relief that it is all over, it is all done.Endings, however, sometimes can also carry pain and sadness. It can be sad to see something go from our lives, but if we are open to it, we can carry the awareness that with this ending also comes a new beginning. Today, set your intentions to see if you can find the beauty in any endings that have come your way. See if you can locate the comfort and the peace that comes from the knowing that there is nothing more to do be done. Whatever you have been battling; whatever you have been struggling with, it is done, it is done.Today look for the beauty in all that once was, find the relaxation in knowing it is all over now. Cry if you need to, laugh if you need to; light a candle to honor the deaths you have moved through, and always keep in your heart the promise of new beginnings.


Just for today, I give myself permission to let go. I let go of all fear and doubt and Life becomes simple and easy for me. I release all things that no longer serve any purpose in my life-people, places, things, beliefs and habits. I let go of all expectations. I flow freely and lovingly with life. I love myself and I know that only good awaits me at every turn. I am safe and I am willing to let go. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Cinco de Mayo-555

Happy Cinco de Mayo! It is also a 555 day and the number 5 in numerology is the number of change, freedom, adventure and risk. However, it also can bring up lots of drama. Certainly people are seeking more freedom right now since we have had our freedoms restricted in the past months.Yet, the shadow side of the number 5 is avoiding responsibility in order to have a sense of freedom. That chucking it all for the sense of freedom however can result in a less than optimal results, can result in drama and trouble. Ultimately, the number 5 can teach you that you can find freedom by committing to a path that is healthy for you; to forge your own unique path by listening to the voice inside of you, rather than doing what others expect of you or what you have done before over and over again. Today, be open to change. Know that the Universe is always giving you signs that change needs to happen. You might be thinking about changing jobs, leaving a relationship, moving to a new location, or having an adventure. Yet, there is that voice in your head that tells you to keep things the way they are. It is time to quiet your ego and to listen to your soul which is urging you to try something new, to take a chance on yourself. Today, tune inward and listen to the murmuring of your soul. Be willing to change because if you don’t choose to make changes consciously, the Universe is going to do it for you! Today be willing to take a chance on yourself, be willing to change.


Just for today, I am willing to change and to grow. When I am ready to make positive changes in my life, I attract everything I need to help me. I know that in order to change my life outside, I must change inside first. The inner creates the outer, always. I have the strength to remain calm in the face of change. I am safe. I am divinely guided, protected and loved. Out of this situation only good will come. And all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

You know YOUR truth. Trust it

We all struggle with trusting ourselves and our intuition- that inner knowing that sometimes whispers and sometimes screams our truth. And, perhaps it is not that we don't know or hear the guidance of our inner wisdom but rather it is that we do not trust that inner voice. We do not trust that our feelings are valid, that our observations are not all in our head. We often doubt ourselves and even worse, we often trust other people's opinions more than our own. Today, it is time to begin to trust your intuition, your inner knowing, to trust that you know what is true for you and then to trust that you have enough courage to take action on what you know. Today, begin to recognize and acknowledge that you in truth can never make a wrong decision because you can always “right” your decision somewhere down the line. Know that if an opportunity is presenting itself to you now, then on some level you are ready for it. Know that if you may make a decision that does not work out as you planned, it is teaching you the lessons that will then point you in the right direction. No decision is final and every wrong turn can be righted. Today, trust in your truth and have faith in yourself and your intuition, no matter what. Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.


Just for today, I trust my inner wisdom and I make decisions with ease. I know that every decision I make is the right one for me. Making decisions is easy for me. I welcome new ideas and I follow through with what I say. I am the manager of my life and affairs. I make decisions with ease and everything works out for my highest good. All that I every need to know is revealed to me. My intuition is always on my side. And so it is.

Stop judging and criticizing yourself and others

Judge others and you will be judged. Accept others and you will be accepted. Most of us go through our days making judgements and criticizing our self and others without even recognizing how much damage we are constantly doing to our self esteem. And, usually our judgment of others is an extension of self-judgment; and that self-judgment is so ingrained, so normal, we don’t even recognize it. However, all that judging and criticizing is keeping you and I stuck in place mired in fear, in the fear of missing out and the fear of not ever being enough. Today, begin to recognize that at the root of all your judgements is your ego. The ego compares the self with others, often putting others down to temporarily boost up the self. Then it starts to compete, trying to prove that it is better. Then, before you know it the criticism comes, which quickly leads to condemnation. Once we’ve reached that state, there’s no peace left in our mind and no love left in our heart—and therefore, no happiness. Today is the day that you stop judging and criticizing and begin to accept, instead. Today, consciously shift your thoughts from judging to accepting, not only others, but also yourself. When you put as much energy into accepting yourself as you do in criticizing and judging yourself, you will find the happiness and peace that you have been seeking.


Just for today, I no longer judge or criticize anyone, including myself. I am free to love who I am. love, approve of and accept myself exactly as I am. My self-esteem is high because I honor who I am. I choose to feel good about myself each day. It is a new habit that I am choosing to cultivate. I am safe, divinely guided and protected. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Self compassion

"Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves." Most of us have very little difficult looking at the struggles of others and finding compassion in our hearts for them. However, when it comes to ourselves, finding forgiveness and compassion is a whole other story. Today, it is time to develop self compassion because you deserve it. First, self compassion is not selfish nor is it vanity. It is the simple act of treating yourself with all the kindness and love that you currently give to your "loved ones". And, in fact, the way you treat, think about, and talk to yourself isn’t just about you. It has a ripple effect that impacts all of your relationships and all of your choices, which is why it’s so important to choose self-compassion whenever possible. Choosing self compassion will change your life and, in a greater sense, the world as well. Today, choose to love and approve of yourself. Choose to forgive yourself when you are not your highest self. Choose to learn from every one of your mistakes, instead of beating yourself up and choose to love and accept yourself no matter what. "Loving and accepting yourself will work miracles in your life."


Just for today, divine peace and divine harmony dwell within me and all around me. I feel tolerance, compassion and love for all people including myself. I forgive myself for every mistake I have every made. I am living the best way I know how. I treat myself as if I am someone I deeply love. And tell myself I love you frequently during this day. I love myself because I am a beloved child of the Universe and the Universe lovingly takes care of me know. Everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Happy May

Happy May and we can all breath a collective sigh of relief because May is one of the least dramatic months of this year, according to my astrology friends. However, we will experience three planetary retrogrades this month including Venus, which will help us all to re-evaluate our relationships, self worth and money. That retrograde as well as the other two planetary retrogrades will ask us to stop, review, re-evaluate and then let go, so we all can be renewed and move forward in new ways that benefit you and in truth, the world. Although we as humans like to keep moving forward without really seeing and choosing the direction where we are going, the Universe knows that we need to slow down so that we can see where we have been and where we and our souls really need to go. Today, let go of all the ideas and plans that you thought should happen and be willing to open yourself up to the new and changing.


Just for today, I recognize that this is a new day, one I have never seen before. I begin anew and claim and create all that is good. I am safe. I am willing to change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Express your emotions

Today is the last day of April, a month that has brought us many challenges and lessons. And, all those challenges and lessons have in all likelihood led you to do a lot of soul searching. Today, on the final day of this month allow yourself to express all of your feelings-to express what is in your heart. If you cannot talk about your feelings, it can be helpful to write down them down so that you can gain some clarity about what's been swirling around in your heart and your mind. If there is anything that you have been holding back from communicating to others, now is the time to do so. What is important is that your heart and mind are on the same page which will allow you to move forward towards a higher purpose. Your heart already knows things that your mind does not yet. Today allow your mind to catch up.


Just for today, I listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends. I am safe when I express my feelings. I can remain serene under all circumstances. I am comfortable enough with my emotions to let them out freely. I let my tears flow when I am sad and I rejoice when I feel joy. Everything is working out for my highest good and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.


Repeat the following affirmation as often as you can during your day, especially when your ego starts to bitch about your Life, complain or when you are feelings fearful, aggitated or disillusioned with Life. Remember: Life is simple and easy. What you give out comes back to you and what you choose to believe about your life becomes your truth. Choose wisely!

In the infinity of Life where I am right now, all is perfect, whole and complete. I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack. I now choose to see myself as the Universe sees me-perfect, whole and complete. I now choose to live with this understanding. I am always in the right place, doing the right thing at the right time. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.


When you blame others, you give up your power to change. Blame is seductive because it makes us right and them wrong. For a moment, it feels good to say, “It was their fault,” but in the long run holding on to blame only hurts you and does absolutely nothing to help your personal growth. In fact, it keeps you stuck. And, admittedly, there are some things that appear to be so egregious and so unforgivable that it seems impossible to not default to blame. But, blame isn't the solution in any circumstance because when you blame others, you avoid seeing the truth about yourself. When you focus on what someone else did wrong, you are not able to see your part and learn about what you need to do differently going forward; you refuse to see and learn from the lesson in that situation and that is what you and I are here on this earth to do. Today, stop blaming people, places and things for your own unhappiness or for any other negative feelings you have chosen to hold onto. Today surrender and look for the lesson. If you are willing to surrender to the lessons and love yourself through the most painful situations, you will rise as warrior, you will become stronger, wiser and will be able to move forward. Today, it is time to take your power back. Today, when you feel the need to blame, listen to yourself and then ask yourself: What do I need to learn from this? Then listen and love yourself enough to learn the lesson and move on. You are more powerful than you know. Reclaim it today by not blaming others.


Just for today, I release the need to blame anyone, including myself. We are all doing the best we can with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that we have. I let go of any feelings of guilt, shame or blame. I reclaim my power now and I lovingly create my own reality and everyone in it. I am safe. It is only change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Enter the retrograde season

Today we begin a wave of planetary retrogrades that will last for the next few months. And, this wave begins with Pluto going retrograde until Oct. 4th. Retrogrades always foster going within so that we can process stuff that we ordinarily would like to keep hidden away from our consciousness. And, because Pluto is associated with all things that lie beneath the surface, we are being asked to reclaim our power in places, which it was left behind or that you remain attached to. Thus, you can expect secrets to be uncovered and truths to be revealed. All this soul searching and delving deep into your psyche can help you to uncover something new and transformative that you've been too busy or too frightened to discover. Today, tune into your heart to find what dreams and perhaps what pain you have buried there and then be willing to let go of or to resurrect. It is time for you and I to allow ourselves to heal in some really big ways. Today, slow down, stop looking for the answers you seek outside of yourself and be willing to change.


Just for today, I allow myself to be quiet and still and I am amazed at what I discover. Life is just waiting to share its secrets with me. I know if I dwell on what I do not want in my life that is exactly what I will get more of. By focusing on what I do want I attract abundance and other good things. I am willing to see how and where I need to change. And all my changes are easy to make. I am safe, divinely guided and protected. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.