It's Leo season

We are in Leo Season for the next three weeks which can intensify your passions, bring you courage, confidence and creativity. And, the fire of Leo can either help to warm your heart or help you to rage out of control. It can help generate light and warmth or burn with destruction. You have a choice this month on how you use the energy of the fire of Leo. You can channel this energy in positive ways or you can use it to rage, pick fights and express yourself in ways that hurt others and ultimately end up hurting you. You can use the energy to have the courage to change or you can continue to use your rage to fight and prove to the world that you are "right." Today, set your intentions to use your words to uplift and inspire rather that to cut down and belittle those around you; to express your creativity in positive, fulfilling ways rather than to keep creating drama in your life; to nurture your passions rather than your discontentment and to disengage from unnecessary arguments, even if they make you feel in control and powerful-the truth is you always lose when you argue and fight from that intense energy. Today set your intentions to have a jovial month by using the radiant energy of Leo to help you be a light for the world and to live your passions.

Just for today, I let go of the need to be "right". I release the need to blame anyone else, including myself. We are all doing the best we can with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that we have right now. I cannot change another person. I let others be who they are and I simply love who I am. I am safe and all Life loves and supports me. Everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Put an end to your suffering and learn your lessons

As unbelievable as it may seem, we are finishing up another month. A month that certainly gave us some lessons! And, today would be a good day to reflect on all that has happened to you this month, especially what you are meant to learn. You went through those experiences for a reason. If you are having trouble finding clarity about why you have attracted certain experiences over and over again, then most likely the answers have to do with you not being true to yourself in some way. We all attract what we need to help us learn our lessons. If we do not take the time to really understand and to integrate what we are supposed to learn, you can guarantee that you will have the same experiences again, until you learn those lessons. Today, make some time with yourself to decipher your lessons so you can move on.


Just for today, I am willing to learn something new every day. I am willing to see how and where I need to change. I cannot learn other people's lessons for them. They must do their own work and they will do it when they are ready. I recognize that everyone in my life has something to teach me. We have a purpose in being together. I am willing to grow and change. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Let go....

One of the most challenging things in life is knowing when to let go. Most of us default to safety, which often means procrastinating and generally feeling stuck. While there’s nothing wrong with safety—it is, after all, one of our basic needs—we must learn to discern what is truly safe and what is safe for the sake of comfort and conformity. Today, it is time for us all to step out of the safety game and let go of the people, places, things, habits and beliefs that are keeping you and I feeling safe but in reality stuck. Resistance and fear will try to tell you a whole lot of stories about why you should be grateful and stay put. They will give you a lot of reasons, rationalizations and perhaps lies of why you should just stay where you are. However, if you wait long enough and dismiss your deep truth, life will make sure that truth comes out one way or another. Events and circumstances will happen that will cause you to move, and sometimes cause you to move at a rate that you did not expect or plan. Today, consciously set your intentions to stop waiting for life to force you to change or to cause a bunch of drama to make you change. You are worthy of feeling fulfilled and nourished; that is the point of life. Today, recognize that everything has a season—sometimes the season lasts a minute, sometimes it lasts years, but eventually there is a new season on the horizon. Nothing you do or nothing that you have done is or was a waste of time. Every experience has a meaning in your life. Today, listen to your inner wisdom and let go because a new season is right in front of you.


Just for today, I am willing to let go. l willingly let go of all the people, places, things, beliefs and habits that no longer serve any purpose in my life. I give myself permission to let go. I let go of all my childhood fears. I am secure empowered human being. I deserve the very best that life has to offer and I lovingly allow myself to accept it now. I am safe and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Speak your truth

We have a sensitive Scorpio moon today and it can help you get in touch with your deepest feelings, especially those you have wanted to suppress. Today, give yourself some time to feel what has been pressing on your heart and then share those feelings, instead of holding them in. In reality, when you become shameful of your truths, you end up cutting off, discrediting, and devaluing a hugely important chunk of who you are and how you show up in the world. Often we swallow our own opinions or needs in order to “keep the peace.” Today it is time to take very small steps to rock the boat! Of course, you must be discerning who you share your truths with. Do not share them with those people in your life who have no ability to listen to you or to your feelings because they only have the ability to judge you, which may leave you feeling regretful about sharing your feelings, about sharing your truths. Today, take a risk and share your truths with those people who have the capability to listen and to try to understand. Today, know that you will move your life forward when you start speaking your truth. Just for today, my heart is open and I speak with words of love. I allow myself to feel all of my feelings, not just the ones I like. It does not matter what other people say or do. What matters is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I choose to believe that I am worthy of respect and all that is good in Life. I am safe when I speak my truth. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Life is not linear

Progress on your life path isn't linear. despite what we are all taught. or what your mind may think. For every peak, there’s been a valley. For every leap forward, there’s a stumble backward—sometimes just an inch, and other times, what seems like miles. And, you just might be judging yourself for not being farther enough along in your life . Or you might just be beating yourself up for being in what seems like the same pattern. However, today it is time for you to recognize that you in reality are a completely different person than you were yesterday or the day before. In fact, you have gained immeasurable wisdom to help you navigate the spiral ahead with skill and courage. Today, allow yourself to give yourself more credit than you have been and know that you have what it takes to move yourself forward in leaps and bounds. Know that you have within you the strength, fortitude and skills for whatever comes your way. And, know that you are indeed on the right path whether you feel frightened or not. Today, move through this day trusting that you have everything you need to move forward. Do not allow yourself to look backwards, your past is done and it is time for you and I to move forward on the path that feels most rewarding to us. Today, trust and move forward-you are so ready.


Just for today, I no longer judge or criticize myself. I am free to love myself just as I am. Loving myself just as I am allows me to be all that I can be. I release all fear and doubt and Life becomes simple and easy for me. I recognize that everything I need to know is already within me. I allow myself to listen to my inner wisdom and when I do I hear all the answers to all the questions I shall every ask. I am safe. I am on the right path and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Balance and boundaries

This is a day for balance and harmony. And, we certainly can all use some balance with all the chaos in the world today. It is a day to begin to create balance in your relationships and about creating healthy boundaries. But, honoring your needs while balancing the needs of others can be a challenging dance. And, you may find yourself giving more than you receive. You may even think that being a nice, kind, generous person always means people would treat you the same way in return. However, we all know that isn't always the case. Today, the Universe wants to teach you to be more generous with yourself and to learn to treat yourself with as much respect and care as you do others.Today set your intentions to balance giving and receiving. Even if you natural tendencies are to feel guilty or not worthy of receiving, you just might find that becoming a good receiver as well as a good giver can bring unexpected gifts and can leave everyone feeling abundant and blessed. Use today's energy to begin to treat yourself as well as you treat others.

Just for today, I am a balance of giving and receiving, of being and doing, of intention and conscious action. I am safe in all my relationships. I give and receive lots of love. I am worthy of all that is good in life and I accept it now. I respect my healthy boundaries and I insist that others to do. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Shine your light

Wohoo, it's Leo season!! Let love rule! For the past four weeks we have been delving into the depths of watery Cancer, a sign that is ruled by the Moon. Leo, however, is ruled by the Sun. The shift in energy might literally feel like the difference between night and day.; like someone just turned on the lights again. Leo is the sign that governs the heart and like the Sun, you are meant to radiate your light without apology. This is the lesson of Leo. Today, it is time for you to shine. It is time to create, have fun and cherish those you love. Enjoy this uplifting energy.

Just for today, I relax and enjoy life. I know that whatever I need to know is revealed to me at perfect time in the perfect way. I will not allow noise, chatter or setbacks to distract me. I will allow patience, purpose, commitment and grace to guide. I relax and remind myself not to take everything so seriously. My life gets more fabulous every day. I look forward to what each new hour brings. I am safe. I am loved and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Time to re-invent yourself

Change means reinvention. Each time a major shift happens in our lives we have to choose who we want to become or risk never reaching our full potential. I have reinvented myself several times during my lifetime and there is a really good chance that you will have to do the same in your life. Today, the Universe wants us to begin to reinvent our new lives by visualizing the world you would like to create. Then, visualize the steps that it will take to create that new life. Reinvention is neither easy nor always smooth. You just may encounter resistance. You may not want to let go, even of things that cause you pain or you may just become overwhelmed and want to quit. We often struggle with limiting beliefs or stories about ourselves that hold us back from trying new things. But there is one way to keep your compass pointed to this new life, even in the midst of any resistance or struggles you may encounter on your path. Each time you find yourself slipping into old habits, don’t bother wondering why you’re doing it or beating yourself up., just ask yourself this: “What can I do in this moment to keep moving forward?” Today, is the day that you move forward, even in tiny steps. There’s an old adage that says that true courage isn’t about not feeling fear; it’s about feeling fear and acting anyway. Today, choose courage instead of letting your fear choose your future for you. Today take your inspired visions and then have the courage to take some steps to make them a reality.


Just for today, I return to the basics of life-forgiveness, courage, humor, gratitude and love. I recognize that no matter how old I am I can always learn something new. I do so with confidence. I am courageous. I am whole. I stand in power and create the life I desire. All Life loves me and supports me. And, out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

You are worthy, if only you knew it

If only you knew your own worth, you would stop focusing on your weaknesses, flaws, and imperfections without even being aware of your natural strengths, gifts, and talents. If only you knew how worthy you were, you would have stop fighting for perfection and punishing yourself for every tiny mistake you might have made. If only you knew how worthy you would know that perfection was nothing but an illusion of the mind, and didn’t exist. If you knew how truly worthy you are you could acknowledge the hard work and efforts behind your achievements instead of attributing your accomplishments to luck or other people who gave you chances to succeed. If you knew how worthy you were you would stop trying to please everyone, and say no when you mean you mean no. You would stop comparing yourself to everyone around you and you would stop being afraid of everything. Today, it is time for you to recognize that in truth you are worthy of the very best in life. Today, set your intentions to love and approve of yourself exactly the way you are. You may not always get what you want because you and I only pursue what we think we deserve. That’s why it’s crucial that you believe in yourself and see yourself as enough and worthy of the best things life has to offer. Today, accept yourself exactly as you are, know that you are deserving just because you exist and know that you are enough right here and right now.


Just for today, I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I am worthy of the very best in Life and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it. I am good enough exactly as I am right now. I am worth loving and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

You are SAFE

We have a New Moon In Cancer. Cancer is the sign of security and childhood memories. It can help you release some previously unhealed childhood trauma so that you can find new ways to nurture yourself and to feel safe and secure in the world. Adding to that energy is Saturn which is in opposition to this New Moon, which can help you in setting new healthy boundaries and how to feel safe and secure, even as the outside world seems so restrictive and unsafe. Today set your intentions to feel safe, secure, and nurtured, no matter what is happening around you. You so deserve it.


Just for today, I move through Life knowing that I am safe, divinely guided and protected. I am centered and focused. I feel more secure every day. I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my every changing life. I am safe in the Universe and all Life loves and supports me. I am safe. It is only change. And, everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.


There is a lot of negative energy and craziness in this world. However, even in these times of great uncertainty, you can learn to live with inner peace.And, perhaps the key to feeling real peace is being able to accept what is. Acceptance simply means recognizing your ego’s voice and rejecting it. And, knowing that the only person you can change is yourself will enable you to do this. As soon as you start to think there is something not right, not the way it should be, or you become judgmental about a situation or a person—their words or behavior—you know you have moved away from accepting what is, by wanting to control what is outside of yourself. Today, consciously set your intentions to create the peace that you have been seeking. It begins and continues through becoming more aware of who you really are; knowing you are loved; making changes in the way you think and they way you speak to yourself; practicing loving-kindness, and accepting what is. As serenity and unconditional love fill your heart, you will accept that you cannot go back and let go of what you cannot control, you will find the peace that you have been searching for your whole life. You always have a choice to practice stress or peace. Today consciously choose to accept life as it is right now and to be at peace.


Just for today, I recognize that peace begins within me. The more peaceful I am inside the more peace I have to share with others. I cannot fix other people. They must do their own work and they will do it when they are ready. I am at peace even in the midst of chaos. No person, place or thing has the power to upset me. I now live in peace and gratitude. Everything is working out for my highest and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Your stories are keeping you stuck and sick.

We are constantly telling ourselves stories about who we are and what we are capable of achieving. They can be stories from our past and how our past is now keeping our present limited and keeping us stuck. Or they can also be the tales we invent about imagined futures—what we think will happen. All of those narratives that we repeat to ourselves—both of the fiction and nonfiction varieties—are what we internalize and use to create self-identity. The stories we tell ourselves about our shortcomings and failures fuel the negative self-talk that leads us to accept the myth of a single narrative—a belief in only one version of what our life can look like. And, it is our interpretation of the past and how we project the future that determines the roads we take to all of our tomorrows. Today, it is time to consciously write a new story; to consciously stop retelling stories of the past when you felt like a victim and how even today you use that story to define your present live and from moving forward. Today, listen to yourself and the stories you tell yourself and others for that matter and then consciously change them. Begin to tell yourself the stories about those times when you were courageous. Tell stories about your strength, perseverance, and resilience. Tell stories about how strong you are. Tell the stories of your survival. The ones where you got through the hardest of times and experienced joy again. You have those stories. Those are the ones to repeat. Tell them over and over again so you never forget who you really are. Every moment of your life is a second chance. Take that chance today and tell yourself a new story.


Just for today, I monitor my self talk making certain that it is supportive and uplifting of myself and others. I do a mental housecleaning, making room for new positive thoughts. I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I am now becoming all that I was created to be. Life now flows smoothly and I am at ease. Everything is working out for my highest good and so it is.

Dream a little dream come true

Today, the Universe wants you and I to dream about our futures. However, making your future dreams come true may seem like a daunting task and you may even choose to stay attached to your old life. Today it is time to begin to dream about your future so that it can become your reality. The first step to making your dreams come true is knowing that you are worthy of your dream. Almost as important as knowing that you are worthy of achieving your dreams is being willing to fail. Be willing to make mistakes, knowing that those mistakes actually help you become clearer on where you really would like to go and perhaps help you take another path. Finally, no matter what, keep going and do not give up. Perseverance is the secret sauce of making your dreams become your reality. Today allow yourself the time and space to process the many events that have happened in the past few days, in the past few weeks. So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable. Dream a little dream come true today.


Just for today, I recognize that each day is a new opportunity. Yesterday is done. Today is the first day of my future. I release all negative thoughts of the past and all worries of the future. I act as if I already have what I want. It is an excellent way to attract happiness into my life. I am safe and all life loves me. Everything is working out for my highest good and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.