Full Moon in Aries
We have a Full Moon in Aries and it is adding some high octane energy to this day. All Full Moons represent culminations, endings and completions. However, this Full Moon because it is in the sign of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, it is also about new beginnings. This Full moon is reminding you that you still need to wrap up some areas of your life and relationships that are stopping you from moving forward. You must let go of those areas in your life where you are not being supported. Moreover, you must let go of the things that you feel just lukewarm about or have lost their meaning in your life. Furthermore, you must stop settling for just okay or hanging onto people, places and things that no longer serve any purpose in your life. Today make time to go within your heart to take stock of what you truly feel passionate about. This Aries Full moon is stoking your fires and giving you the courage to let go so that you can move forward with joy and enthusiasm. Listen to your heart, not your head and then let go!
Just for today, I am willing. I am willing to see where and how I need to change. I am willing to listen to my intuition. I am willing to learn something new every day. I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and experience life in a whole new way. I am willing to let go of all that no longer serves any purpose in my life. I am willing to grow and change and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.