
Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace. Today, the Universe wants you to set your intentions to find the peace that you seek inside of yourself through practicing gratitude, accepting what is and by practicing patience for yourself and others. You always have a choice. Today choice peace no matter what!


Just for today, I am patient, tolerant and diplomatic. Divine peace and harmony surround me and dwell within me. I feel tolerance, compassion and love for all people, including myself. I know that when I create peace in my mind and my heart, I will find it in my life. Peace surrounds me. I am always divinely guided and protected. All is truly well in my world and I am at peace. And so it is.

Reclaim your power!

As we are wrapping up this year and this decade, you are being given the opportunity to recognize the places in your life where you have left your power, so that you can learn how to reclaim it. When you have traumatic events in your life, your soul can become fragmented and essentially get stuck. The psychological aspects of this getting stuck are that trauma actually gets trapped in your subconscious and then gets triggered over and over again until you transform and heal them. Today, you can begin to choose to liberate yourself, by using the "challenges" that the Universe has been giving you to help you to reclaim your power. 2020 is a year of vision and that's why we associate 2020 with perfect vision. As you become more comfortable seeing the truth and acting on it, rather than pushing your intuition aside, you will be empowered to have a remarkable year and a remarkable decade.


Just for today, I appreciate all that I do. I speak up for myself. I ask for what I want. I am good enough just as I am. I reclaim my power and lovingly create my own reality. I am safe, divinely guided and protected and Life supports me in every possible way. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Comparing yourself to others is a losing proposition

Why compare yourself with others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than you. We all do it or have done it at some point in our lives: We compare ourselves to others and gauge where we are based on what we observe them to be doing. But, comparing yourself to others doesn’t help one single bit in creating the life you want. Instead, it just takes away valuable time and energy that could have been spent on building your future. And, whenever you focus on what other people have that you don’t, you give away your power. Every minute spent on comparing your path to someone else’s is a minute lost on creating your own. Today, decide that your energy will be used for believing, not doubting, and for creating, not destroying. Focus on you. Focus on watering your grass and building your path. Focus on being the best that you can be and focus on how amazing you are, how far you've come and how much you admire and love yourself.


Just for today, there is no competition or comparison for we are all different and unique and were meant to be that way. I accept my uniqueness and love myself exactly as I am. I am my own unique beautiful soul and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

No rush..just be!

During this time of the year, there seems to be a frenetic rush to finish everything up before the year ends, including spiritual and emotional things. Today, instead of focusing on your intentions for a New Year, simply practice being present. In doing so you will be ready for anything that comes your way. Today, do not rush. Do not force. Do not stress. Let things happen and simply be!


Just for today, I allow myself to let go of all fear and doubt. And Life becomes simple and easy for me. I relax and enjoy life, trusting that everything that I need to know will be revealed to me at the perfect time in the perfect way. I am at ease with myself and I am at ease with other people. Life supports me in every possible way and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Learn your lessons

Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. We can often end up in similar situations with different people, after promising ourselves that we won’t. This is because we are human! It can be easy to beat ourselves up, but it isn’t helpful, and it only adds misery to an already-miserable situation.Today, allow yourself to slow down enough to start to look for the lessons in your pain and misery. If you can find a way to learn something from what is happening, then you will change for the better. None of us like learning lessons about ourselves. None of us like to be wrong, or to acknowledge a part of ourselves that is flawed or frightened. This is why our lessons have to keep coming back over and over again. Today you were meant to feel your feelings, accept them and learn the lessons from your pain and suffering. Learn your lessons and then allow yourself to move forward into your future stronger and wiser than before because you learned your lessons!


Just for today, I listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends. I am willing to learn something new every day. I am safe when I express my feelings. I can remain serene under all circumstances. I am grateful for every experience that I have every had for they have shaped me into the person I am now and that is exactly who I am supposed to be. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Let go of your need to struggle and to suffer.

Many of us feel that we are far from inner peace, and we admire those who seem to have found it. We unconsciously believe that peace is a long way away from where we are in our lives, and we need to go on a long arduous journey to find it. Somewhere along the line we have learned or created the belief that making change is "hard" and that we may not be capable of it. Then, we repeat that belief over and over again by telling ourselves how hard change is for us. Today, by the light of our last Full Moon of the year, it is time for you to let go of the belief that it is hard for you to change-beliefs, habits, relationships or whatever you have chosen to tell yourself that it is going to be a struggle, or that it is so hard. By letting go of that belief, you can stop striving so aggressively for the change you want and begin to see the calm you’re looking for. It is this process of turning your beliefs upside down that becomes the journey in itself. Today, stop repeating how hard things are. Let go of your need to struggle and then proceed with love and compassion for yourself and for others. Your thoughts become your experiences. Today, let go and allow the new belief that change is easy become your new mantra. In fact it is the only thing that you can count on. Let go!


Just for today, I choose to believe that it is easy to change a belief or thought pattern. I have the strength to remain calm in the face of change. I choose to let go of my need to struggle and suffer. I am in the process of making positive changes in every area of my life. And, everything is working out for my highest good. And so it.

Full Moon Magic

Tomorrow at 12:12 EST on 12/12 in a 12 Universal year, we will experience the last Full Moon of this year and of this decade! This magical Full Moon can help you to fully understand that you have the power to create miracles in your life through the power of love. And, this last Full Moon is asking you to fill your entire being with the energy of LOVE and in doing so you will do more to change your life than simply "thinking" and strategizing about what you want you life to look like. Today, feed your soul with nourishing words, rather than reflecting on all you haven't achieved or accomplished. Fill your heart, mind and entire being with the energy of love. As Louise once said, love is a miracle cure and loving yourself will create miracles in your life. Allow the light of this Full Moon to help you love yourself more and then allow that love to heal you so you can begin anew, in a new year.


Just for today, I have come to this planet to learn to love myself more and to share that love with others. At any given moment, I always have the choice between love and fear. I choose love. My heart is open. I speak with words of love. I am beautiful and everyone loves me. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.


Surrender! Surrender is a beautiful soft space of acceptance. It is an allowing—allowing life to unfold and to be what it is, irrespective of your agendas, expectations, and judgments.Surrender is not about giving up, handing power over, or failing. It is not waving the white flag of defeat. However, because you are so used to striving and trying so hard for an outcome that anything outside of that formula seems like failure or self-sabotage. It isn’t. In fact, surrender is the pinnacle of evolved and enlightened behavior. And today, the Universe wants YOU to surrender because this is how YOU can get out of our own way and allow yourself to open up to the limitless possibilities available to you in this Universe, in this Life. This is how you can experience a life of true freedom. Free from your limiting self-beliefs, emotional blocks, and negative self-talk—all the stuff that prevents real growth and transformation. Today, allow yourself to surrender and know that there is a divine and perfect order in everything; that there is always help from above and that you are never alone! Surrender, let go and allow yourself to grow.


Just for today, I surrender to what is. I let go of what was and I have faith in what will be. I am safe and I trust that everything is working out for my highest good. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.


Fear and anxiety are becoming an epidemic on this planet. You can see and feel it almost everywhere you go. Fear is a lack of trust in yourself, and because of this, you don’t trust Life. You don’t trust that you are being taken care of on a higher level, so you feel you must control everything from the physical level. Obviously, you and I are going to feel fear because we can’t control everything in our lives. Love on the other hand, is the opposite of fear. The more you are willing to love and trust who you are, the more you will attract those qualities to yourself. When you are on a streak of really being frightened or upset or worried or not liking yourself, isn’t it amazing how everything goes wrong in your life? It’s the same when you really love yourself. Everything starts to go on a winning streak, and you get up in the morning and the day flows beautifully. Today, recognize that you need to love yourself and to do everything you can to strengthen your heart, your body, and your mind. You must trust a power bigger than yourself to protect and guide you. Today, recognize that the love you have for yourself will be mirrored in your relationships and your life. Recognize that in every moment you have a choice between love and fear. Today, choose to love yourself and watch your fear disappear.


Just for today, I realize that stress is just fear. I now release all fears. I am a capable person. I can handle anything that comes my way. I trust the power that created me to protect me and guide me at all times and under all circumstances. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Loss and grief

Grief is one of those emotions that has a life of its own. It carries every feeling within it and sometimes there’s no way to discern it and sometimes it comes out at the strangest times and in the weirdest ways. And yet, we must all feel and process those losses so we can let them go and open ourselves up to the new beginnings that always follow endings. Today, grieve your loss, allow it in, and spend time with it. Suffering, however, is the optional part. Suffering comes directly from your thinking, which then becomes your experiences. Remember that you come into this world in the middle of the movie, and you leave in the middle; and so do the people you love. Love never dies, and spirit knows no loss. Let your thinking manifest hope to your sorrow. Choose your thoughts wisely. Be kind to yourself, and reflect on the loss with love. Hard times can serve as a reminder that our relationships are a gift. Loss can remind us that life itself is a gift. Today most importantly, no matter how much you are hurting in this moment, remember to love yourself, and love your life. You deserve it!


Just for today, I know that all things are unfolding as they are supposed to. In my sadness and grief, I love myself. I will feel my grief and sadness but will not wallow in it. Through my grief, I awaken to how precious life is. I love life and life loves me. Everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Stop worrying about what other people think!

“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” When you base your feelings on other people’s opinions, you are allowing them to control your life. You are metaphorically allowing them to be your puppet master, and when they pull the strings just right, you either feel good or bad. Today, is the day that you recognize and begin to integrate the truth that other people’s opinions of you are none of your business. Their opinions have nothing to do with you and everything to do with them, their past, their judgments, their expectations, their likes, and their dislikes. Today, stop looking outside yourself for validation, approval or acceptance because you are the only one that can give yourself those things because you are the only one that knows your truth! Today, stop worrying about what other people think. It will change your life.


Just for today, I am far more than other people's opinions. My opinion of myself is the only one that counts. As I move through the layers of other peoples opinions and beliefs, I see within me a magnificent being-wise and beautiful. No person, place or thing has any power over me for I am the only thinker in my mind. I create my reality and everyone in it. I am safe and I choose to love and approve of myself. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.


Laughter is a remarkable healing force, it allows you to forget yourself, lightens up your mood and changes everything. Sometimes, when we get caught up in drama, despair and suffering in our lives, we forget our secret weapon which is our sense of humor and laughter. In fact, studies have shown that laughter and humor have a huge array of benefits including strengthening the immune system, reducing pain, and stress and increasing energy. Today, set your intentions to find the humor in your life and consciously look for things to laugh at. Whether you watch a comedy, speak to a humorous friend, or read a funny book, find something to laugh at. In fact, laugh at yourself and laugh at life, it will change everything.


Just for today, wherever I am there is joy and laughter. I remind myself not to take myself so seriously. I laugh at myself. I laugh at life. How wonderful it is to be alive. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Let go of your fear!!

This is a day for change! And yet, change can be frightening and over-whelming, leaving you to choose to stay exactly as you are for whatever fear based rationalizations you make up to stay there. However, truly living and growing requires risk and risks can be scary. And not all risks pan out the way you hope or imagine. Sometimes those risks temporarily take you to places that are darker than the life you were living before. They may even require you to let go of what you think you need or what once brought you joy in order for you to grow. Yet with each risk comes the opportunity to discover something about yourself—a hidden talent, a new passion, personal insight, or simply deep courage and internal strength that’s been waiting to be felt so you know how powerful and resilient that you truly are . There may not be a guarantee that you will experience more joy than before, but the only way to discover what’s possible is to take a chance, make a change, and find out. Today, know that you are more powerful than your fears and your fear of change. "Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."


Just for today, I am willing to change and grow. When I am ready to make positive changes in my life, I attract whatever I need to help me. I let go of all fear and doubt and Life becomes simple and easy for me. I do not fix my problems. I fix my thinking and my problems fix themselves. I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my every changing life. Out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.