You are powerful

"You have the power to heal yourself and you need to know that now. We often think that we are helpless but we are not. We always have the power of our minds. Today claim that power and consciously use it to create the day and life that you desire."


Just for today, I claim my power and move beyond all limitations. I appreciate all that I do. I speak up for myself. I ask for what I want. I am good enough exactly as I am. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Full Moon Lunar Ecipse=oh my!

Today we have a Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and it will be guiding us to stand our ground, claim our power, and allow the voice of our inner fire to speak. It is the first in a trio of Eclipses. And, Lunar Eclipses are like heightened Full Moons that bring shift, change, and major breakthroughs. This one is powerful and will help us to discover new paths, ones that are very different from the path we were walking before. You may have thought you were going one way, but often an Eclipse comes along to reveal a whole new path. As this Eclipse falls in Sagittarius, you and I are likely going to find ourselves clearing thoughts, beliefs, and ideas in order to prepare for this new journey that is yet to unfold. And this Lunar Eclipse can bring heated emotions and although your emotions may be heated, they are intended to teach us so much. We all must begin to learn to listen to ourselves. We have to learn to listen to our anger and frustration for there is wisdom to be gained hidden in them. Today, do not run from those heated emotions for they are likely to help you make the breakthrough that you have been internally fighting about. If you allow yourself to feel your anger or feel the intensity of your emotions, you are likely to find the truth of what is bubbling underneath the surface. All the voices you carry within you deserve to be heard. It is not just our love and light that can teach us, but our pain, anger, jealousy, and resentment too. These emotions are uncomfortable, and no one wants to feel them, but they are a part of our human experience, and we can no longer ignore them or wish them away with false thinking. We have to listen, find the wisdom that they offer, and then let them go. Today do not rush this process because it is uncomfortable. Today, sit with you anger, resentments and all the emotions that make you feel uncomfortable. Then, own them. Claim all of them. Then, allow yourself to understand what is at the core of your anger. With that understanding, you will be able to then let go of those thoughts, beliefs, habits and people who no longer serve any purpose in your life. You will be able to let go and move on. We all may enter this series of eclipses feeling confused, overwhelmed, and unsure, but we will leave it with a clearer knowing, a stronger sense of our destiny, and more connected to our personal power. Be willing to listen; willing to feel; be willing to let go and be willing to change.


Just for today, I allow myself to listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends, not just the ones I like. I recognize that in order to change the outside, I must change the inside first. The moment I am willing to change it is amazing the Universe begins to help me. It brings me everything I need to change. I am safe and I am willing to feel all my feelings. Life in truth brings me only good experiences from which I can learn from. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

You are powerful. You just don't know it

The moment you take personal responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you can change anything in your life. And all of your changes begin with you focusing inside, instead of focusing outside yourself on other people, places and things. And as long as your focus remains on other people or challenging situations, you have no power to change anything. Today, begin to take responsibility for everything in your life. If you feel helpless over a situation, it’s usually because you can’t see your part in it. Today, allow yourself to open up to exploring your part in every situation and then allow yourself to see how it could be different if you made a different choice and acted or responded differently. To be clear, this is not about being self-critical or taking excessive responsibility. It’s about focusing on what brings relief and on what decreases your anxiety and sense of powerlessness. It’s about focusing on where your power lies. Even if you can’t see it yet, just know that it is there. Even if you don’t feel like you have a choice, remind yourself that you do and try to find it. Today, know that this is how you take your power back. Focus on your part. Focus on what you can control and you will find your life will become simpler and much more enjoyable as a result of that.


Just for today, I accept my power now. No person, place or thing has any power over me for I am the only thinker in my mind. It does not matter what other people do or say. What does matter is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I reclaim my power and consciously create the life I desire. I am safe. It is only change. And everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


"Doubt yourself and you doubt everything you see. Judge yourself and you see judges everywhere. But if you listen to the sound of your own voice, you can rise above doubt and judgment. And you can see forever.” You and I, we judge others. And they judge us. We all do it. Sometimes we judge with positive or non-harming intentions.Sometimes are judgements are more righteous and sometimes with malice. And during this time of societal realignment, we all seem to be judging others a lot. We judge the way others are experiencing and reacting to the pandemic. And we judge people for not being aligned with what we believe is the right thing to do or be. However, all our judgements usually are a reflection of our own fear; our own helplessness and our own feelings of not being good enough. By making them wrong for being who they were, we somehow give ourselves a temporary boost—a feeling of being okay—because we apparently know better than anyone else what is "right". However, all this judgement and righteousness leaves all of us separated and stuck in a world filled with fear and now, violence. Today, set your intentions to stop yourself from judging others for being who they are. Today, allow the judgements to pass through your mind without giving them lots of time and attention. The most important thing is that in the moments when you become aware that you are holding on to unkind thoughts about someone a bit too much, understand that it’s not really about them, it’s about you and the way you are feeling about yourself.We certainly need to be discerning between right and wrong, but is it never fair to make people wrong for being different than us or not living their lives in accordance with our ideals. The more we give a person space to be who they are, the more we give ourselves permission to be who we are. Today, recognize that judging is preventing us from understanding a new truth. Today, it is time to free ourselves from the rules of old judgments and create the space for new understanding.


Just for today, I release the need to judge or criticize anyone, including myself. We are all living the best we know how with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that we have right now. As I release judgement, judgemental people leave my life. I now accept everyone as they are including myself. I forgive everyone for not being who I want them to be. I am safe and Life brings me only good experiences. All is truly well in my world and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

You are the change

We are witnessing the dismantling of many of the systems that brought us safety and security and it can feel scary and overwhelming. However, if each and everyone of us does our part, we will create monumental change. Today, if you are feeling scared, pray to have the courage to stand up and do what's right even if its uncomfortable-especially if it's uncomfortable! It is time for you and I to start to be the change in our world. Today, begin to live your life intentionally-not from ego. It has been shown to us that ignoring the injustices in our society is not working and cannot continue. Today, let go of the illusions and all the people, places and things that made you feel better because you were doing something good, but did not change anything in your world or the world at large. It is time to get real. It is time to stop following our egos. Stop giving our power over to illusions that clearly are not helping anything, even if they keep telling you that they are helping-helping only their own selves, that is. This is not a comfortable journey but it is a necessary one. Today, be the change in your world so our world can change into a place that is more just, offers more equality and ultimately more peace for all.


Just for today, I return to the basics of life-forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love, and humor. I have the courage to live my life on my own terms. I am courageous. I am whole and I stand in my own power. I am safe and Life supports me in every possible way. Out of this situation only good will come and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Happiness is an inside job

All of the great spiritual teachers and masters of the world share the same message that happiness cannot be found outside of ourselves, in the external world. There is no person, place, material possession, or amount of money that will bring you true, lasting happiness.Rather, happiness is found within. However, in order to access that happiness, you have to spend time taking care of yourself and evaluating what makes you feel happy. Today, as we begin a new month, set your intentions to create new self care habits, which will ultimately lead you down the path to the happiness you seek. Set aside time in your day to stop, breath listen to your thoughts and to feel your feelings. Accept that no one or nothing outside of you can fix you, make you feel better or help you to move on. Today, instead shift your focus from the externals to the internals and you’ll be better equipped to identify the little things that bring you happiness, peace and joy.


Just for today, I recognize that this is a new day, one I have never seen before. I begin anew and consciously claim and create all that is good. I am aware that everything I seek is already within me. I allow myself to be quiet and still and I am amazed at what I discover, Life is just waiting to share its secrets with me. I know that I always have a choice on how I feel. I choose happiness and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Speak up

We are experiencing unfathomable unrest and a global pandemic, two unimaginable events and two events that are speaking to all of us-asking us to speak up and take action because we got here by remaining silent, watching injustices in front of us and turning a blind eye. We all have become so caught up in numbing our feelings, being productive and trapped in the convenience of ignoring what is happening in the world because we have been too busy. Now the world is at a standstill and an uproar-simultaneously. And, those two polar opposite events are forcing us to feel our feelings and confront our shadows. We are simultaneously still and agitated to action. You might be feeling helpless, frightened and confused. However, today it is time for you to stay awake and to begin to feel your feelings and to heal them. You must speak up for yourself and those that you witness being oppressed. Today, ask yourself how you have oppressed yourself by allowing others to silence you? How have you allowed your need to please others to keep you from speaking your truth? And, how have you hidden your power and your truth so you can protect other people's feelings? If we want to heal the oppression of the world, we must first release ourselves from our own oppression. Collectively and individually we have been initiated into inevitable change. You and I cannot go back to our "old ways", the Universe is clearly not allowing us to do so. Today it is time to step into your full power even if it makes others uncomfortable. Today, speak up. Be yourself. And say what's in your heart. You will feel liberated. Do it for yourself. And do it for those who don't have a voice. Today know your words matter. Stand up and speak out and be willing to change.


Just for today, no person, place or thing has any power over me for I am the only thinker in my mind. I create my own world and everything and everyone in it. Peace begins with me. The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others. Loving and being kind to others is easy when I love and accept myself. I am free of my need for approval from others and I willingly let go of all the people who no longer serve any purpose in my life. I am safe when I speak my truth. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Trust in something larger than yourself

Most of us go through life thinking that we have it all figured out. How everything should happen, when it should happen, who it should happen with—and, of course, before it’s “too late.” We want to feel in charge of our lives because It makes us feel safe knowing that we are in control. And, to some extent, you and I do have complete control in dictating our desires, in stating your ambitions, and in following your dreams. But sometimes, life has a way of throwing us curve balls, as we all have recently experienced. There is a delay in an outcome we are hoping to produce or the timing doesn’t work out as we planned or we realize that it was never going to happen, much to our chagrin. We’re not where we think we "should" be, financially, socially, professionally, creatively, or romantically. Today is the day that you begin to accept exactly where you are. Accept that you are a powerful creator in life, but the truth is, you are not in this alone. There are other forces at play, and for the most part, to your benefit.This is how we grow and develop. We intend. We make incremental changes. We show up in whatever way we can. Over time, everything comes to fruition, harmonizing all aspects in such a creative way that if we were to look back on it, we would marvel at the perfection of it all. Today, trust in the perfection of your life and let yourself be fully present, exactly where you are in this moment. Trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Know that what you have to look forward to is greater than what you are leaving behind. And trust that you will “arrive” in time and on time, not a minute sooner.

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Just for today, I trust Life, knowing that it brings me everything that I need at the perfect time in the perfect way. I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my ever changing life. I trust the power that created me to protect me, guide me and love me at all times and under all circumstances. Everything is working out for my highest good and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Stop following the herd and be heard.

At some point, we all find ourselves searching for answers, meaning and worth in our lives. However if we believe that the answers we seek lie outside of ourselves, we can forget to check in to see what’s true for us individually and just follow the "herd". And, the more weight we put on other people’s opinions, the less we trust our own inner knowing. And, when we allow other people’s opinions to overpower the choices our true selves would otherwise make, we end up giving away our personal power; we end up giving up our power to choose. Today, begin to accept that it doesn’t matter how many well-meaning opinions you get from people, who you think know more than you do, pause and check in with yourself to see whether the opinions of others actually resonate with you. Today, it is time to accept your truth and to stop following other people's opinions and beliefs because only you know your truth. It does not matter what other people say or do, you know your truth and only you can chart the course of your life. Today, the world needs you to be yourself and speak your truth. Whether that is in your relationships, your career or the world at large. Now is the time that you stop keeping your mouth shut to keep the peace; agreeing with people you clearly do not agree with and to stop following illusion and the people who peddle those illusions. No matter how hopeless and helpless you may feel in the world during this time of unrest, you matter. Your life matters and your deeds matter. It is time we all stop following and begin to chart our own path according to our own hearts. It is only by us individually changing and standing up for ourselves can we change the world in which we live in. Now is the time to stand up, be seen and be heard.


Just for today, I am not responsible for other people. We are all under the same law of consciousness. It does not matter what other people say or do. What does matter is how I choose to respond and what I choose to believe about myself. I choose to feel good about myself no matter what other people think, say or do. I am my own unique self and I speak my truth with loving words. Out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Forgive yourself

Forgiveness is a gift to yourself. It frees you from the past, past experiences, and past relationships. It allows you to live in the present time. And, there is a tremendous sense of freedom that comes with forgiveness. However, you cannot forgive others if you cannot forgive yourself. If you cannot offer yourself compassion and forgiveness, you will never be able to offer the same to others. If you cannot forgive yourself for the mistakes and missteps that you have made, you will continue to judge, criticize and be unforgiving to those around you in your life. Life’s missteps are an opportunity to learn. Those mistakes are useful in that they point you away from the person you do not want to be and reveal the path of growth and authenticity that you can choose for your life. Often you need to forgive yourself for putting up with painful experiences and not loving yourself enough to move away from those experiences. Today, consciously choose to love yourself and forgive yourself. Begin to forgive yourself and let the waves of that forgiveness ripple out so that one day, maybe, the compassion and forgiveness you offer yourself can create more peace and tranquility in a world that is so desperate for its own transformation. Today forgive yourself and set yourself free.


Just for today, I forgive myself for not being perfect. I am living the best way I know how. As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others. I move beyond forgiveness to understanding and I have compassion for all. I am ready to be healed. I am willing to forgive and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is


Creativity is the gateway to self-connection, and it is the path to giving yourself what you really need to live life fully. And yet, many of us value our cognitive skills, our thinking, over our innate creativity. Today, begin to recognize that it is your heart not your mind that knows what you truly want and who you really are. You and I gain so much through the act of creating—presence, self-expression, healing, self-awareness, time to ourselves, clarity, and confidence. But perhaps most importantly, we gain the ability to meet and accept ourselves in the moment, with the sole intention of expressing what’s in our hearts. There is something immensely freeing about knowing that this alone is a worthy goal. That we truly can create for the fun of it, for the love of it, because it makes us feel passionate and alive. And when we feel passionate and alive, we forget for a moment that there’s anywhere else to get to—because for that time, there’s nothing to escape. Today, allow yourself to listen to your heart. Your mind will make logical choices but that is not always what your soul wants. Only your heart knows what your mind cannot fathom. Today, let your heart lead you and create the life your desire.


Just for today, I recognize that the key to creativity is that my thinking creates my experiences. I use this key in every area of my life. My unique and creative talents and abilities flow through me and are expressed through deeply satisfying ways. My creativity is always in demand. I am learning to be more creative every day. I am safe and I am willing to let go of everything that stops me from creating the life I desire. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.


We are in a time of deep healing. And, during this time, it is important not to avoid your feelings, ignore your feelings, judge your feelings or just numb out your feelings because they are there to help you heal. What is coming up for you now has, in all likelihood, been buried for some time because you were "too busy" to deal with those feelings and issues. Now, during this time of "forced isolation", your feelings are coming up for you to process them and to be healed for good. Today, set you intentions to allow yourself to feel all your feelings, not just the ones that make you and those around you feel good but all of them. Today recognize that by ignoring or displacing your feelings, they will become way more powerful and destructive than they would be if you didn’t try to control or avoid them. Today, instead of putting all your energy into avoiding, controlling, and eliminating your feelings, allow yourself to become attuned to them. Allow yourself to reconnect with them so that you can make better and healthier choices for yourself. Today recognize that your feelings aren’t problems. They are not inconvenient. They, in fact, are trying to move you into the direction of health and well-being. Today, allow yourself to feel all your feelings and know that all your feelings are your friends.


Just for today,I listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends. I am safe when I feel and express my feelings. I can remain serene in all situations. I focus my attention on loving myself and trusting in the Universe. All is truly well in my world and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

The impermanence of Life

Illness, old age, and death are always part of our lives. But during this pandemic, we are all awakening to that impermanence, something that most of us are not equipped to cope with causing us to experience anxiety, unrest and sometimes anger. In part because of our cultural aversion to grief, we often live our lives as if illness, old age, and death are far away, something we avoid and deny in our daily lives. But the truth is aging is a gift, and every morning we wake we are one day closer to all three of those states. Today, allow yourself to begin to embrace the impermanence of life. All of our experiences are impermanent… including this one with the COVID virus! The flow of life continues even through the hurt and pain of health problems, lost jobs, and all the other difficulties that are arising in this time. But, just like only embracing selective emotions like happiness and positivity, when we ignore the truth of life (and death), we are likely to be caught very unprepared for when things change. Today, acknowledge that everything in life is impermanent and temporary. Making friends with impermanence will help you suffer less, and acknowledging impermanence encourages gratitude for all that is good in this moment, which in truth is the only one that is real and that we are experiencing. Today accept that it is not impermanence that makes us suffer. What makes us suffer is us wanting things to be permanent when they are not.


Just for today, I am willing to change. I have the strength to remain calm in the face of change. I have the power to make changes. I cannot change another person. I let others be who they are and I simply love who I am. I am safe and Life in truth only brings me good experiences from which I can grow and change. All is truly well in my world and so it is.