The calm before the storm

There is a gorgeous "almost" Full Moon shining its light on us. Tomorrow is the big show with a Full Blue Moon but today's energy is much quieter and will give us a chance to calm down as we prepare for the waves of transformative energy coming our way tomorrow. Today, make time to calm your nervous system in whatever ways work for you-through meditation, journeying or just giving yourself some time to reflect. Many of us have been feeling rather emotional, perhaps even over reacting and over responding to the stresses and challenges going on in our world today. Today, do not allow yourself to get overstimulated or agitated. In the end, it is up to you whether you choose to get involved with drama, with other people's problems or to focus on all the forced changes happening in your life. Today, consciously find ways to relax and trust that everything no matter how charged up you may feel is always working out for your highest good.

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Just for today, I relax and know that Life supports me at all times. I live in the totality of possibilities and I am loved and supported by Life itself. I find relaxation, enjoyment and healing in the simplest things in Life. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is

Align your actions with your heart and mind

One of the most difficult things to accomplish in our lives is to align our mind and heart with our actions-to say and do what is right for us, regardless of what other people need or think. And, you and I have all gone through so many changes in the past months, our perception of ourselves has also changed in relation to how we show up and interact in the world. Therefore, your relationships to people and the world has changed even if that wasn't your intentions. Today it is time to begin to express yourself in a way that is authentic. It is time to say no when you mean no and to begin to let go of the people that cannot "deal" with the new "you". It is time to let go of the relationships formed on the basis of people-pleasing, codependency, obligation, and guilt, making room for new authentic, nourishing, reciprocal relationships to blossom. It is time that the rest of the world gets to know the new you. Today, , step beyond the normal guilt of letting go of the relationships that no longer serve you and allow yourself to bring your mind and heart into alignment with your actions.


Just for today, I do not fix my problems, I fix my thinking and my problems fix themselves. I say no when I mean no and yes when I mean yes. I know what I want and I do not have to apologize for it. I am safe in all my relationships. I now give and receive lots of love. I am safe when I express my truth and live authentically. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.


We have all had so much loss this year. In fact, our very way of being is constantly shifting and being redefined almost daily and without warning. Perhaps you have lost some people as well, not physically but through your awakening. And, through that awakening you may have found that friends, colleagues, mentors - people you loved and adored- turned out to be very different than you thought they were. Those awakenings no matter how jarring and disconcerting are helping you to build new foundations. Part of that process of building the new is having some of your previously foundations fall away. Today, be willing to let go and release your past with love. Allow yourself to go through the grieving process for it is the only way your heart can heal. Let go of your anger and resentments. Allow yourself to be fully present and trust that there are new people, places and things that will enter your life when you let go. Being in the right place at the right time happens when you are trusting life without judging it, allowing new opportunities to come your way. Whatever you have lost was no longer a vibrational match for your future self. You are ready for miracles to enter your life. Today, let go and allow them to happen.


Just for today, I give myself permission to let go. I release all that no longer serves me. I feel free and light. I now choose to release all hurt and resentment. I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love. I am in the right place, doing the right thing at the right time. I welcome miracles into my life and everything is working out for my highest good. And so, it is.

Do not run from your shadows

We are in Scorpio season and it is intended to show us our shadows and all the parts of ourselves the we have hidden away deep within us out of shame, fear and sometimes profound sadness. However, none of us like to see our shadows and do anything to avoid them, find ways to brighten them up without really dealing with those dark parts of ourselves. Today, set your intentions not to run or avoid your shadows should they be revealed to you. At its very core, the shadow is the collective name given to aspects of ourselves we are not taking ownership of because of fear. Subconsciously, we are afraid that if people “knew the truth,” we would be judged, rejected, or worse, thrown out. Most of us take a whole lifetime forming beliefs about what is “wrong” with us and repress them so deeply they become unconscious. What we do not realize is that these aspects of who we are must find expression, and so we then project them onto other people, organizations, or the world at large. This is how and why the shadow includes both all that we determine we dislike about ourselves and all the wonderful creative potential we are blind to being gifted with. But, when we begin taking ownership of our shadows, we must also understand that this work is not about “becoming someone else, ”like the notion of an “improved” version of who we think we are. Ultimately, shadow work marks the beginning of the end and is a turning point on our spiritual paths. In truth, we are electing to grow up and stop finding fault with everyone and everything “out there.” Today, embrace all parts of yourself, including your shadows. Stop running away or numbing out the darkness in yourself, accept all parts of yourself and gratefully allow yourself to come home to who you really are. By experiencing the dark night of your soul you will strengthen you inner light and you will be free.


Just for today, I go within and connect with the parts of myself that knows how to heal. I recognize that healing means to make whole and accept all parts of myself, not just the ones I like. As I forgive myself, I leave behind all feelings of not being good enough and I am free to love myself. I am in the process of making positive changes in every area of my life. I am safe and I love myself unconditionally. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Scorpio Season has arrived

Scorpio season has arrived! And, Scorpio is a sign that dives deep and enjoys intensity. Scorpio also can teach you about the regenerative nature of the Universe-that life is a constant cycle of birth, death and rebirth. By experiencing the dark night of your soul, you can strengthen your inner light. Individually and collectively as we go through these dark nights, we can find new ways to a transformed world-one in which we are creating together, not fighting divisive causes. Today, set your intentions to keep focusing on your light within and let it shine for others. This world and your world needs your light more than ever. Today, be the light that you want to see in your world and shine it brightly. New brighter and lighter days await you and I. Begin today.


Just for today, I listen with love to what life is teaching me. I forgive others and release the past. I now create my life the way I want it. I am love. I am energy. I am a shining light. I see abundance radiating all around me. I now live in limitless love, light and joy. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Focus on your future

One day, I hope sooner than later, the pandemic and the political unrest that we have been experiencing will be over. However, you and I do not need to wait until that time to begin to plan out of our futures. In fact, you can begin today. Today, consciously begin to focus on your dreams, not your past, not the present state of suffering but what you want your future to look like. We are all going to need to find creative ways to bring joy back into our lives and the world we live in. Today instead of focusing on all the problems in the world, begin to plan your future. Remember, your future begins in your mind. Begin today to create the future you have been dreaming of.


Just for today, I recognize that every thought I think I am creating my future. Today is the future I created yesterday. It is my mind that creates my experiences. I am unlimited in my ability to create the good in my life. Every experience I have is perfect for my self growth. I am in the process of making positive changes in every area of my life. I am safe and my future is glorious. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

The answers to your questions are within you

Why? When? How? We all are pondering so many questions. And, most of us have been searching for the answers to those questions in others, in our jobs, and even sometimes in our past. Today, set your intentions to stop looking outside yourself to find the answers that you seek. The answers about your own life are within you. If you are trying to focus on other people's motives and responses, you will find yourself more confused. As you are "figuring things out", make sure you are focusing on what you have control over - your choices, rather than the opinions of others or what you have done in your past. Today, know that all the answers that you seek are already within you. However, you must make the time and space to hear and feel those answers. Only you know what choices benefit you, yet perhaps you are afraid of trusting your decisions. And, being honest with yourself means you'll need to make uncomfortable changes, let go of what no longer serves you. Even though it would be easier in the short term to keep everything the same, you know deep inside what needs to be done. Today, stop your searching outside and focus your attention within. All your answers to your questions are right there.

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Just for today, I go within to connect with the wisdom of the Universe. I allow myself to be quiet and still and I am amazed at what I discover, Life is just waiting to share its secrets with me. I release other people's fears and limitations. I think my own loving thoughts. I release all control to the Universe. I am at peace with myself and with Life. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

A stranger in a strange land

We are living through some strange times, which have caused all of us to re-evaluate our lives. Perhaps you feel like a stranger in a strange land-not feeling comfortable in your "old" life and yet not feeling comfortable in a new one, yet. Or perhaps you are feeling disconnected from others or abandoned in some way. And as we head towards Scorpio season, you might begin to experience childhood wounds being triggered and feeling like you just don't fit in anywhere. You may have even been trying to fix or heal those wounds from outside yourself-from external sources. Today, begin to recognize that it is up to you to learn to love yourself instead of looking outside yourself. As you learn to love and accept yourself and be in your own company, you will find your community of like-minded souls. Today, begin to accept that only you know what you really need and then give it to yourself. Your old ways of coping or getting your needs met outside yourself will no longer work. Today accept that only you can create the peace that you have been seeking. Today accept that although it would be easier in the short term to keep everything the same, you know deep inside you know your truth and the truth is that you need to change. Today, remember the truth will set you free and only you know that truth.


Just for today, my alone time is as fulfilling as the time I spend with others. I am my own best friend. Other friends may come and go but I am always here with me. I support myself in feeling good. I cannot change another person. I let others be who they are and I simply love who I am. Life brings me only good experiences. I am open to the new and changes. I am safe and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.


Hatred seems to be all around us today. Whether it is related to politics, race, or just out of our intense fear, hatred seems to have become a part of our everyday rhetoric. Today, it is time for YOU to start to transform your own hatred into love. For you see, hating is easy, but loving is where you will find your true courage and strength. Learning to love yourself, love each other, and love those that have wronged you will lead you into a new power. Today, begin to become aware that even though it seems hard or challenging to show and find love for those that you deem bad or dangerous or even evil, if you open your heart to recognize that the same love that made them have made you, then you can start to heal yourself and the planet. It is through forgiveness that you and I can heal individually and collectively, not through hatred, judgement and anger. And, you must also learn to forgive yourself! Remember, nothing is as it seems. The “wrongdoings” that you make in this life could actually be part of something you are not aware of and are definitely made to help you grow. Today, remember that nothing is really as it seems so don’t get so attached to outcomes or your discomfort, anger or struggling. Today, allow yourself to forgive. It will set your free and to help you heal and to heal the world around you.


Just for today, I am willing to forgive. I forgive everyone for all past perceived wrongs. I release them with love. As I forgive myself it becomes easier to forgive others. I know that the person is the hardest for me to forgive is the one I need to forgive and let go of the most. Forgiveness is a gift to myself. I forgive and set myself free. I am safe. It is only change and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Super New Moon in Libra

Today we have a Super New Moon in Libra, the sign of balance, beauty and harmony. As this is a Super New Moon, we are bound to feel the Libra energy even stronger. And the Libra energy can shine a spotlight on your relationships and reveal to you where things may be out of balance, causing you to feel conflict and underlying anxiety, feelings that Libra does not like. If you have been giving too much of yourself away, if you have been acting for the sake of others rather than yourself, this New Moon may help you to return to yourself and to realize a new way. The New Moon calls for you and I to return to ourselves, to step out of shame and blame and to focus on giving back to ourselves, as a way to bring us back into balance. Only when you are “full of yourself” can give to others. Today begin to set your intentions to create harmony and balance into your life. Don’t feel like you need to have it all figured out all at once, as this New Moon calls for patience, reflection, and inner-work. Today, set your intentions to bring balance into your life and your relationships and to create the love and beauty in your world that you have been seeking for the past months-in truth in all the wrong places with all the wrong people. Today, be deliberate in your actions. Be direct with how you feel. Choose to be kind and create beauty and art as healing vehicles. Today, be the calm that you are seeking and create a kinder and more loving place to live in. World peace and harmony begins with you and only you. Begin today.

Just for today, divine peace and harmony continually surround me. When I create harmony, balance and peace in my mind, I will find it in my life. The inner creates the outer always. My life is joyously balanced between work and play. My mind and body are in perfect balance. I release the need to blame anyone. We are all doing the best we can with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that we have right now. I am safe, divinely protected, guided and loved. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Dark of the Moon

We are in the dark of the Moon-the final waning phase before a New Moon. The dark of the moon is a time of deep introspection and reflection. And, tomorrow we will have a new moon in Libra, the sign of justice and balance. Today, make time to look within yourself and reflect on how you can bring more balance into your life. Remind yourself to treat yourself with the same kindness that you show others. Remind yourself that you are indeed a beautiful being and allow your light to radiate from within. Remind yourself that you always have a choice on how you react and what you choose to believe about yourself. Remind yourself that you deserve all that is good in this life and allow yourself to accept.


Just for today, I look within and connect with the part of myself that knows how to heal. I create easily and effortlessly when I let my thoughts come from the loving space of my heart. I treat myself as if I am someone who I deeply love and tell myself frequently that I love you. I know that all the answers to all the questions that I may ever ask are within me. I look within to find my treasures. I am safe. It is only change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio

Today Mercury goes retrograde and for next 22 days, and he has a lot to teach us. Mercury will begin its retrograde in Scorpio, a sign that rules our shadows and everything buried beneath the surface, including your secrets. Mercury Retrograde is a time where hidden thoughts can resurface. You may even find people or situations from our past creeping back in, in order to be dealt with once and for all. As we revisit the ways of the past, we are given opportunities to make changes, to redo things, to look over things, and to feel more confident in our choices and decisions to move ahead. This can be a time of tremendous healing if you are speaking your truth and finally letting go of the people, places and things that you may have been wrestling with for years. If you have been hiding parts of yourself, it's time to share who you truly are. If you have been holding back your feelings, now is the time to initiate a meaningful conversation. And it is time for you to finally let go of the people you have needed to let go of for a long time but didn't trust yourself enough to do so. Today, set your intentions to be true to yourself. You can only be loved for who you are if you allow yourself to BE yourself. Most of all, today be willing to change for so much good awaits in your future when you are free of your past baggage.


Just for today, I affirm that I am worthy of all that is good in life and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it. I am willing to let go of all the people in my life that haven't served any purpose for a long time. I forgive them and I release them with love. I attract only loving people into my life for they are a mirror of who I am. I release and let go. I gladly give away what I no longer need. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is

Pace yourself

One of the many lessons of 2020 is learning how to do more with less, which means not pushing yourself when you simply do not have the energy. It is teaching us that our power comes from efficiency. And, as we are still in the midst of Mars retrograde, you are also being taught how to best conserve your energy and only do what's absolutely important and necessary for your future growth. Today, consciously stop pushing yourself to do any activities that have lost their meaning and just don't hold any excitement any longer for you. As you let go of those things, stop overdoing and over working, you will begin to restore passion and zest in your life, which may seem to have disappeared during this pandemic. Today, let go of anything or anyone that dims your energy. As you let go you will discover or rediscover activities that ignite your inner fire. Today, pace yourself and have patience so that you can regain your strength and momentum for the near future. Today, rest and just go with the flow.


Just for today, when I feel tired, I rest. When I am rested, I work on projects that fulfill me. I know that patience means that I am at peace with the process of life. I am patient, diplomatic and tolerant. My words and actions are healing. Life supports me in whatever I want. I am safe. I am willing to change and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.