Feeling stuck or blocked?

We all get stuck: paralyzed about a decision, unsure what choice to make or stuck in a situation because our ego needs to be right. And you may just be stuck in a rut, in a situation, conflict or even in quicksand, wondering and worrying about why things do not seem to change. You may be stuck in resentment or disappointment that you just can’t quite recover from or you have unconsciously decided that you must win at all costs because you are right and being so righteous. Maybe you're stuck in a plan that’s not working as anticipated. Stuck in a destructive, repetitive cycle with family members, coworkers, or friends. And, when you are stuck, things feel immovable, so permanent and maybe, even hopeless. Today, acknowledge that you in reality are not stuck and can move forward with intention. In fact, you are actually extremely adept at getting unstuck, you've done it your whole life. You just need to surrender and be willing to let go. Today, recognize that you have the ability to see the same thing in new ways, to discover new insights about yourself and your life and you can change your attitudes. But, you must first change the way you keep seeing your life situations and reacting to those situations. Today, spend some time thinking about what you think is keeping you blocked. What thoughts or beliefs about your current or past keep coming up and repeating themselves over and over again. Then, if possible, back away from the people, places and situations you feel stuck and instead FOCUS on where things move with ease and where you feel good. Changing your focus will bring more positive and free-flowing energy into your life. Focusing on the positive and being grateful will be the first steps out of your current state. Today be willing to see how you created the blocks, what you have chosen to attach yourself to because you need to be right/win and then be willing to surrender, let go and move on. Today let go of the stories that keep you stuck so you can indeed be free to move forward.

Just for today, I know if I focus my attention on what I do not want, that is exactly what I will get more of. I focus my attention on loving myself and trusting in the Universe. I focus on all the good in my life and I am grateful. Life supports me in every possible way. I am willing to see how and where I need to change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


Some people say peace of mind lies in security. Some say it’s about acceptance and letting go. But, in the end, it’s all about what you do, say and the integrity in which you live your life each day! So, today recognize that things will always change. Life will sometimes be tough and challenging. People will say and do things that upset you and that’s just the nature of things. However, as long as you hang onto your integrity, no matter what is happening in your world, you can go to bed with a clear conscience. And no matter how tough things get, you can still have a sense of peace within you. Living out of alignment and out of integrity will keep you stuck in your suffering, no matter what excuse you hold onto to make your behavior acceptable. Each and every time you choose to do what you know is "wrong", you create karma which you will have to correct sometime in your future, you will have to relearn the lesson you chose to skirt by lying or being deceitful or just out of alignment. Your soul and the Universe are always listening and know all! Today, if for some reason you end up treating someone unfairly or unkindly, or doing something dishonest or mean, make amends for it as soon as you can. Don’t wait. Correct your mistakes as soon as possible, and you can find peace of mind in the fact that you have improved upon your actions and done your part to relieve any hurt feelings or guilt. Today, try to understand others rather than judging them. Today, radiate genuine compassion and love, not superficial niceties that you think are fooling the world but are only keeping you isolated in your world of dishonesty and deceit. Not only will others benefit; you’ll also add to your own sense of self-esteem. Today, stop lying to yourself about why you are doing things that are out of alignment with your greatest good. Today, choose to do the right thing, even if no one is watching or will ever find out you. Not only will you benefit from your integrity but the world will benefit too. Today, choose to live with integrity and honesty and you will choose to be at peace.

Just for today, I am the executive of my own world and I act with honor and integrity with all I do. I am committed to honesty, integrity and excellence. It does not matter what other people say or do. What does matter is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I choose to believe that I am loveable; I am safe and I choose to live in integrity. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

You are enough!!

Right now you may want yourself or your situation to be different. And, it is the desire to be a better person that pushes us to grow, change, and actually become better people. However, personal growth is often a slow and painful process, which most of want to avoid or definitely speed up. However, the expectation to be something you are not, whether temporarily or permanently, is a form of aggression toward yourself. Trying to fix yourself or seeing yourself as "broken" is a form of aggression towards yourself. So, today consciously let go of your need to constantly fix yourself and just give yourself a break. During this time of great change for all of us, the best thing you can do is to nurture yourself and your circumstances just as they are. Today, listen to yourself and do not try to force yourself or your situation to be something it is not. Today just give yourself a break! When you give yourself a break, you create space. Allowing things to be, just as they are, without judgment or expectation, essentially it gives you room to breathe. And that is good for clarity. And, perhaps that is all we are looking for right now, some clarity. Today, allow yourself some downtime to process your stuff. You do not need to be productive every waking moment. Today there is nothing you need to fix or improve about yourself. Today, relax, enjoy all the blessings you have, in reality, right now. Today, know and repeat often that you are more than enough right now.

Just for today, I am enough. I am good enough exactly as I am. I forgive myself for not being perfect. I am living the best way I know how. As I forgive myself, I leave behind all feelings of not being good enough and I am free to love myself. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

New Beginnings

Sometimes we don’t realize how in charge of our lives we really are. We do not recognize how powerful we are to create the life we desire. We think change has to come from the outside—that we have to be the recipients of change. In other words, something outside of ourselves needs to happen to us before we do something about it, like, you'll be happy when you get a new job, you'll be loveable when you lose weight or you'll be fulfilled when you have the perfect house.

However, yesterday's eclipse brought an influx of new ideas and inspiration. Your conscious mind might not be perceiving them all at once, yet the seeds have been planted in your psyche and a new beginning has begun. Today, recognize that somewhere within you, there is a new identity waiting to be born, new ideas to put into practice, and amazing adventures to be experienced. A whole new world is on the horizon for you but you must be willing to see and experience things from new perspectives and in a whole new way. Today consciously begin anew by seeing things as a beginner, in a new fresh way. Today let go of what you were to become what you might be.

Just for today, I recognize that today is a great day for new beginnings. I am open to the magic and the mystery that new beginnings bring. Each day is a new opportunity. Yesterday is over and done. Today is the first day of my future. I am willing to try new things. I am willing to make mistakes and grow. I do not look backwards. I only move in new directions with newfound wisdom. My life gets more fabulous every day. And so it is.

Begin ANEW

Early this morning, there was a New Moon Solar Eclipse and even though we weren't able to see it, it will have a potent effect on our psyches. This New Moon Solar Eclipse represents a new beginning for all of us. No matter where we currently stand, this Solar New Moon Eclipse will ensure that we are headed in the right direction. It signals a time to embrace the new.

Today, set your New Moon intentions to trust in whatever has been stirring within you, what has come up to the surface during the last few weeks and be really willing to let go of what you are being shown has no purpose in your life right now. That is the nature and power of Eclipses. This New Moon Solar Eclipse will give you the ability to see your life now in new ways. Perhaps you have a fresh perspective on an old problem or you might just be putting an end to a way of being that no longer serves you. Whatever you are experiencing, a new paradigm awaits you. There is a whole new world waiting for you and for me to experience, if we have the courage to change. Today be willing to change without struggle or suffering. In all reality, it is only you that is keeping you stuck, frustrated and mired in negativity. Be willing to change the stories you tell yourself and others. Today, let the energy of the Solar Eclipse help you to begin ANEW.

Just for today, I begin anew. I claim and create all that is good. I am willing to change and in truth Life brings me only good experiences from which I can learn. I release the need to struggle and suffer. I have the courage to live my dreams. I am safe and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.


Life is hard, and no amount of positive thinking, affirmations or goal-setting can change that. And, that fact isn’t a good or bad thing. It just is. And most of the time the "problems" that we are wrestling with come down to the fact that there is a gap between who we want to be and who we are today. And, as humans we have two solutions to "cure" our unhappiness-keep hustling and fighting to create the life we want, which can work but can leave you exhausted and burn out. Then, there is another choice to choose to accept. Acceptance is the exact opposite of hustling and fighting. Acceptance doesn’t need reality to change in any way. It allows what is, to just be. Acceptance is also the gateway to gratitude. When you choose acceptance, you choose to slow down and to cherish what you already have and what you already are. Finally, acceptance can let you see that not all goals are worth pursuing and perhaps all your hustling isn't worth it either. Today, consciously choose to stop fighting and focusing on how unhappy, unsatisfied and maybe even a little afraid you are and instead choose to accept. Choose to accept life exactly as it is and then choose to find what you are grateful for in that life. Acceptance and gratitude can soften this "hard" life one, hour and one day at time. Today set your intentions to accept things exactly as they are and to be grateful for all of it for in reality it is the only thing we have right now, in this moment and we are never promised anymore than that. Today choose to accept.

Just for today, I release all fears and doubts. I accept myself exactly as I am and create peace in my mind and in my heart. I am grateful for every experience I have ever had for they have taught me so much and they have made me wiser and stronger. I am safe, divinely protected and loved. And, out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Hang in there!

We are living in an emotionally intense time in between two eclipses and in the midst of Mercury Retrograde. Those two cosmic events are urging you and I to let go of our past by bringing unprocessed and unconscious feelings to the surface, so we can let them go. It is also a time of review and re-visioning. With all that past stuff that is coming to the surface, you just might be looking at your past wondering why you made such bad choices. Or, perhaps you are anxious about your uncertain future. Whatever your feeling know that it will pass and all you need to do in this moment is to keep hanging in there. Today, set your intentions to remain in the present moment. Allow the uncomfortable feelings to move through you and have compassion about your past, and confidence about your future. The intensity is almost over so today, be willing to let go even if it feels uncomfortable, be willing to forgive yourself and be willing to accept yourself, exactly as you are right now. As it has been said, this too shall pass, it may be pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass.

Just for today, I am willing to release the need for struggling and suffering. I deserve all that is good in life and I lovingly allow myself to accept it. I am grateful for every experience that I have ever had for they have shaped me into the person I am today and that is exactly who I am supposed to be right now. I forgive myself for all past perceived mistakes and I choose to love and accept myself exactly as I am. I am safe. It is only change and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Self talk

Talking to ourselves in a nurturing way can be a challenge if we rarely heard nurturing words as we were growing up. In fact, if we were often criticized or neglected, we probably learned to criticize and neglect ourselves. And, it is your self-talk, which is actually programming yourself for your statements to become your truth. And, if you repeat anything over and over again, it will become your truth and you will attract more of what you keep telling yourself. Today, consciously listen to the messages that you keep telling yourself over and over. The words you use in your everyday life have power. They can either destroy or build relationships with yourself and other people. Getting mindful of your self-talk is one of the best forms of self-love and self-compassion. Today, choose the words that you say to yourself wisely. You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head. Today, choose to be kind to yourself. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Give it to yourself today through support and comforting self talk. Today, don't be a victim of your negative self talk-remember you are listening!

Just for today, I monitor my self talk making certain that it is uplifting and supportive of myself and others. I no longer judge or criticize myself. I am doing the best I can with the knowledge understanding and awareness that I have right now. I am my own best friend. Other friends will come and go but I am always here for and with myself. I am safe and I am willing to change. Everything is working out for my highest good and so it is.

Express yourself

The Universe wants us to express our deepest feelings so we can be healed. It is teaching each and everyone of us how to communicate our feelings by triggering all of those feelings that we have hidden deep within us-those feelings of hurt, anger, frustration and perhaps despondence. Whether those feelings are from childhood or from more recent events, deep emotions are being triggered so we can express what's in our hearts, even if it feels frightening or perhaps in some cases a waste of time. Today, create some quiet time to listen to the feelings that are being triggered within you. The better you are at speaking your truth, the easier this will be for you to move through these emotionally charged times. Today, begin to understand that a little communication will go a long way.

Just for today, I am a clear thinker, I express myself with ease. I am safe when I express my feelings. I can remain serene under all circumstances. I am comfortable enough with my emotions to let them out freely. I let my tears flow when I am sad and I rejoice openly when I feel joy. Life brings me only good experiences from which I can learn, change and grow. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Forgive but do not forget

Living a life where you hold on to resentment, anger, and frustration toward someone is painful. Anger, bitterness, and resentment doesn’t change the past; it keeps you stuck in it. And, by now, you may know that forgiveness is the key to freeing yourself from the past. However, you may have also been told to forgive and forget. But, that may not be the best advice for your personal growth. In fact, forgetting what you learned about the person through your toxic experience may be what is causing you to repeat the same experience with the same people over and over again. Today, set your intentions to forgive, but NOT to forget. Today, choose to release the burden of anger and resentment, and forgive. And, instead of forgetting what your hurt is trying to teach you, choose to remember the lessons that you learned from your hurt and not to forget them. Today, learn from your pain instead of wallowing in it and instead of repeating it, choose to forgive, but remember.

Just for today, I am willing to forgive. I forgive everyone for all past perceived wrongs. I release them with love. They are now free and I am now free to move forward with love in my heart. I forgive myself for not being perfect. I am living the best way I know how. I choose to learn something new about myself every day. I forgive and set myself free. I am safe, divinely guided and protected. Out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Giving up can be a good thing

Most of us were taught that giving up is weak. And, that if you do give up on something that you are a quitter-something no one wants to be labeled as. However, you might be experiencing a situation that isn’t working and wondering whether you should persevere a little longer. You might wonder whether more time will allow you to fix the problem/the person or reach the goal. After all, people always say, “Never give up.” But, I’ve come to understand that there are times that call for us to call it quits. The big question is how do you know that it is time for you to give up. One big signal that it may be time to give up is when your quest to solve a problem takes over all other aspects of your life and you can’t stop thinking about your situation. Then it might be time to reconsider the reason why you keep trying. Another signal that it may be time for you to give up is when you begin to doubt yourself and who you are. And, when you first wake in the morning and ask your intuition what does it tell you to give up on. Making the decision to give up might not be easy, but it will open the door to new and more fulfilling life experiences. Letting go will set you on a path of learning, growth, and expansion! Sometimes giving up is good!

Just for today, I am willing to let go. I find it easy to change a thought pattern or belief. I am enough exactly as I am. I am lovable because I exist. All Life loves and supports and in truth, everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Follow your feelings

One of the hardest things to do in a world where everything is immediate and time is a scarce commodity is to just let yourself experience your feelings. Most of us are not very good at allowing ourselves to fully experience our emotions without trying to speed up the process to just get over it quickly. Today, allow yourself to really experience the emotions that in all likelihood have been bubbling up from within you. Do not run from your feelings or try to rationalize them away. Your feelings are screaming out to be heard. So, today allow yourself to express all the emotions that you have buried beneath the surface. It can feel challenging to be more sensitive and to feel your feelings. Yet, it can be so cleansing. And, when you allow yourself to feel your feelings, you can tap into the immense intuitive powers that the energies of your feelings can bring. Today, allow yourself to feel all the feels. And then allow yourself to dream of what you would love your life to look like. Your feelings and your imagination are calling you to visualize a more beautiful future. Today, let your feelings be your guide.

Just for today, I listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends, not just the ones I like. I am safe when I express my feelings. I can remain serene under all circumstances. I am centered and focused. I feel more secure each day. I am safe, divinely guided and loved. Life supports me in every possible way and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.


“We cannot grow when we are in shame, and we cannot use shame to change ourselves or others.” And shame is what may be coming up for you right now during these retrogrades and eclipses! And, as humans, we are good at sheltering shame inside us. Odds are you no matter what has happened to you in your life, you have internalized feelings of unworthiness from shaming messages you’ve received from parents, teachers, and peers during your “formative” years. As we grow, we begin to internalize the shame and add to that foundation of shame, after we make bad choices or mistakes. We then begin to see our world through a filter of shame, keeping that shame hidden deep inside of us because we are fearful that others will see our shadows. As we build that secretive place of shame, we tend to disconnect, isolate, and hide within a cloak of shame. We isolate ourselves in our way of protecting ourselves. But, although we feel protected, we also are disconnected from the life around us. Today, it is time to uncover your shame, feel it, understand, accept it and then let it go. People from your past or perhaps your present during this retrograde time may come into your life for the purpose of triggering your shame. But, today, instead of isolating yourself, it is time to look at your shame and to see it for what it really is and show yourself some compassion, instead of judgement. Today, you can literally begin to rewire your shame filter with new experiences of self-empathy, and inner compassion. Today, understand that you did the best you could in any given situation and then, shower yourself with love and compassion. It’s scary bringing shame to light, but the minute you allow yourself to do so, you will step into a newfound freedom, you will learn who you are outside of the identities everyone else has given you; you will become fully yourself. You will able to see the worthy, deserving, more-than-enough person that you have always been. Let go of the shame today, it’s only holding you back and you are so deserving of so much more!

Just for today, I release the need to judge or criticize myself. I am all doing the best we can with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that I have right now. I forgive myself for all past perceived wrongs. I am now free to love myself exactly as I am. I release all shame from the past. I am willing to release it and live in this moment. Life supports me in every way and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.